Taiga Interior options


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I am about to order the seat covers and door trims for my Taiga green csi.

anyone got any pictures of alternatives. I could stick with black leather but wondering how something like a tan or slightly lighter color would go with it.

the car is not a keeper as I have a CSL being restored and won't be keeping both so I need to factor in how easy going away from trusty black will be to sell.

any photos would be appreciated to give me an idea
I think tan is the best color for Taiga. There's probably quite a few photos on Google images or even in our Media section
I have a Euro (German) E9 in Taiga. It came with black interior with seats in velvet and corduroy. BMW re-released the corduroy a few years ago so I went original. I do love leather but it is common on US E9's, not sure about Australia. Forgive the image, car is in storage with poor lighting but you get the drift. Corduroy also holds the driver in place, stays cool.

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