Tale of two dead Bavarias


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Silver Spring, MD
After work yesterday I decided to get back to working on my two E3'.

71 3.3 5 speed, my friend and I recently replaced the clutch and shifter linkage and exhaust in my driveway. Took it for one test drive and it did real well but after about 20 miles it cut off like it ran out of gas. After a 15 minute look under the hood, I turned the key ad it started and I drove it home. That was two weeks ago. Went out last night tuned the key and nothing. I got my charger and hooked it up said battery was sulfated. I left it on battery and it started charging I think it was at 11.8 volts. I got it to 12.2 and hooked the cables back up and made sure they were tight and the car started and idled on it's own.
73 3.0 auto with a non stock auto maybe 4hp22 (shifter off to the left dip stick on drivers side). I put a new battery in the car 10 days ago but did not start car. After a recent head, alternator replacement the car would not start by turning the key so I wired in a start button until I can figure out what is going on. I re-configured my wires so that the start button would be located on the key side of the steering wheel. I substituted a remote horn button because it looked better and was smaller. Anyway I got everything wired up and turned the key and pushed the button and nothing. I got on my laptop to make sure my wire on the starter was in the correct location. I checked the battery all was well. So I decided to remove the horn button for a real starter button. Test two, car cranked over. I got the car started but it would not idle. I checked the Idle jet plug wires because one did not look right sure enough when we replaced the head we plugged in the wrong wire and the car was running funny. The correct wire had broken off. I fixed the wire started the car now all is well. Both cars sitting in my drive way idling pretty good.

Next event is a drive for each car this weekend. they are rolling projects

You likely have a 3HP-12 from a 79 or later e12 as they moved the dipstick to clear the log plenum on the 528i to the driver side.
thank you , the dip stick was rubbing against the brake booster and wore a hole in the dip stick tube. I am having a problem with the console around the gear shift mating with the Bavaria console parts.