TBL on Track

Philip Slate

Well-Known Member
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
So, yes, with the help of Shawn Essex’ pushing and prodding I finally installed the 3.6L M5 engine in TBL. And, yes, TBL is now quicker with the ‘new’ engine. But darn it, I STILL need more horsepower!
Case in point is the linked video which shows a friend of mine, Frank Beck, driving TBL in the first half of a one hour enduro. Frank, who is a much better driver than I, usually drives a very quick 914-6 and is used to having enough power to pass cars when needed. The video shows his frustration as well as his professionalism in that he never tried a bonzai outbraking maneuver or a low percentage passing move.
Sorry about the video quality. The camera started coming loose and so the field of view starts drifting away from the front. As if that isn’t enough, I forgot to set the iris for outside the car so the picture is a bit washed out. Other than that, though…
Anyway, enjoy riding along with Frank.
The wmv file is huge at 193MB so download accordingly.

http://tblracing.com/e9coupe/TBL M5 Enduro/
Great video phil!Frank beck is always one of the fastest out there,That little orange 914 is a rocket!Is the m5 engine a stock one ?I lost your # if you could give me a jingle please i'm more of a talker than a computer guy 805-368-5857 jeff thanks