temperature control - not original?


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Milwaukee, WI
The saga continues as I explore the under dash of my car. It is like Land of the Misfit Toys under there. The biggest culprit is an aftermarket alarm/wireless thingy. It alone is creating a nest of extra wiring. It will soon go. But while poking around yesterday I found another aftermarket gadget. At least I am pretty sure it isn't original. Temp control - likely installed because the car was in Florida and it's hot down there. :D

Anyone have one of these under the dash? Backstory?
20180707-temp control dial.jpg 20180707-temp control label.jpg
Looks like a controller for the fan in front of the condenser? Definitely aftermarket.
Yep - I am sure that is what it is. The fan (and the condenser) are currently out of the car in the basement. While I am not "looking forward to it", I will find solace in tracing the wiring the temp controller is connected to (and also identifying it in the wiring diagram) as I remove it. But the best part will be removing the alarm/wireless thingy and all of the extra wiring it is adding under there. :D