theft prevention


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Atlanta, GA
I have to park my car outside. I don't live in a "dangerous" area but its not uncommon to have cars broken into or stolen.
I know I could steal my e3 pretty easily. so I'm asking you what you'd do to prevent it being stolen.

I've considered a removable steering wheel, but I'd have to modify the hub because I still want to run an OE wood one.
A club is a good idea for visual deterrence, a GPS tracker for if they use a flatbed which is becomming more common. I don't lock the doors or trunk (or keep anything of value in them) because I'd rather them open the door to fiind nothing vs. break a window or use a screwdriver to find nothing. Most thieves these days are looking for late model cars, guns, or catalytic converters, I don't think the chop market is strong for old bmw's. I have a kill switch but I think that really is outdated.
I'd disconnect the battery or unplug the main coil/distributor wire.

I had one of my cars broken into in 1990. They broke open the vent window, breaking the twist regulator & damaged the center console trying to steal the radio. They failed. What really angered me, the doors were unlocked!

I Filed a police report & was informed 2 juveniles broke into 40+ cars that night in our neighborhood stealing radios from GM vehicles, mine was the only BMW. I filed with the court for $250 for the repairs, the Judge didn't require them to pay for the 40+ damaged vehicles. 31 years later It still bothers me.
I don't lock my doors, but I do lock my trunk. I keep a tool box, some spare parts and some portable chairs in there. I've got a fuel pump cut off switch, but not sure that is terrible effective. Oh, and I don't have a radio. As Steve mentions, the main concern is a flatbed.

I would go with a club, primarily for the visual effect. If your car has a manual transmission, it is unlikely to be stolen. Your main risk is what happened to Andrew; kids seeking something they can grab and sell quickly.
I like all these answers but my brain still says I need to do more than a club. even though the point is made that its less then likely to be stolen.
These are $70...

Wrap it......


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