Thermal Reactors


Well-Known Member
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Atlanta, GA
Hi all, I'm new on this forum. I just got a 3.0Si in from California, and it passed smog up until this year, everything is still there EGR, thermal reactors all of it. (registration was current)

Here in GA we have no need for the various smog equipment.

Question 1. I've obtained via Al Taylor a new set of exhaust manifolds for a non thermal reactor M30. Are there any other issues with removing the reactor? Or just take it off?

Question 2. Smog pump and various vacuum lines. I don't really care whether this is on or off, if I can get away with the new exhaust for now, I'll start there.

The main reason I'm doing this is to eliminate the TREMENDOUS amount of heat that comes from under the hood. It's the hottest underhood temps I think I've ever seen.

Once this is done- then it's on to some springs, and maybe getting the AC going again.

Thanks ahead of time, Neal Caudle - Atlanta
Take them off

Replace exhaust manifolds remove smog stuff and plug vacuum lines.

other stuff you my need to do check timing and adjust valves (part of Bavaria tune-up)
Reactors off

Reactors are off, if anyone IN CA needs this smog equipment. Please let me know.

Neal Caudle