Throttle linkage question


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San Francisco USA
Has any body gone to a cable setup for their linkage? Maybe some of the sidedraft guys? Are there any kits readly available?
The problem is that a cable system uses a pulling motion and the E9 is set up to do a pushing motion (hope this makes sense). I had that situation when installing the M6 engine in TBL. The throttle on the M requires pulling and I was just about to invent some Rube Goldberg kind of thingie where I would tie a string between the engine and my hand but then every time I scratched my head...well, you get the idea. Then, just in time, the former owner of the shop where I used to rent space came up with a brilliant solution. I won't bore you with the details but is was simple and yet so insightful.
Well I'm running itb's and I have been chasing a problem for a long time now that I at one time or another thought was something in the engine... cam to big, flywheel to light or to big of tb's.

Well turns out when I excelerate hard then try to settle the engine would start to buck around. Finally I have figured out that the linkage is moving just a little bit as the engine moves causing the tb's to open and close just a little. Thus causing the bucking.

So what was your solution?
Oh the suspense is killing me....

sounds like the cable is hooked up to a simple pivot arm/link/doohicky to convert the 'pull' to a 'push'...??

I have a rod-to-cable setup on my e12 -- runs the rod to the bellcrank, uses the bellcrank to pull an e28 throttle cable. Works like a charm, the cable is only attached to the engine, so it's unaffected by movement.
So the rod goes to the bellcrank on the engine and a cable from there up?

Any chance of getting a picture Tony?

I thought I had some, but I can't find them on the computer. I can snap some later this week.