Tii Brake booster to clear DCOE Webers?


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El Salvador
Will the Tii brake booster allow for better airhorn / filter installation?
Is it a straight replacement for the one in the CS?
If anyone has photos I'd appreciate it. Did a search and everything is a bit old stuff, maybe better opinions now?

Thank you.
Regards, Alberto
Yes, It makes a big improvement but the center Weber still has to have shorter horns to allow socks to work.
There are manifolds that tilt up a few degrees and cure the problem. They are very hard to find.
When I rebuilt my whole car I went with a Hydra- boost system (not BMW) and that eliminated the clearance problem, and the vacuum problem for the booster to work with the Webers.
May be other ideas.
Most triple Weber installs use the Tii booster. There are some write ups on how to make the length adjustment for the booster rod which are not the same.
Help me understand this.
you all want to fit velocity stacks, and the brake booster gets in the way.

I never had velocity stacks on my E3 or my 2002 with DCOE’s (both with stock brake boosters). I used good air filters in them and that was it. Performance was good enough that I didn’t feel compelled to spend $300 for curved Alfa stacks to overcome the issue. Maybe I was down 5% from max power but for a street car i didn’t need another 10hp.

Visually, I agree they do look impressive.

Why not try your DCOE setup without stacks to see if it disappoints you? If not you’ll have saved yourself a lot of trouble converting over to hydro or tii booster.

John - the clearance to the stock booster is really tight. You can't put a sock on any kind of a horn (the socks Steve had with the 15 degree cant are NLA) and even a ramflo "sausage" filter won't fit. This does not leave a lot of choices, and I think the 1.75" chrome filters look really out of place in our cars.
John - the clearance to the stock booster is really tight. You can't put a sock on any kind of a horn (the socks Steve had with the 15 degree cant are NLA) and even a ramflo "sausage" filter won't fit. This does not leave a lot of choices, and I think the 1.75" chrome filters look really out of place in our cars.
I see, I would’ve thought the Ramflo type would’ve fit.
Nope - been there, done that.
Would the repro Alpina manifolds and adapters from Climbernyc solve the problem? E9 brakes are pretty good and it seems a shame to throw the booster system out when there is this solution.

I’ve also see DCOE manifolds modifies by
taking off a little on both flanges and adding a few degrees of tilt. This was done to gain clearance for air filters.

I am working on a batch of rebuilt ATE T51 brake boosters to fit the M30s with side draft carbs. I am adapting them to fit the e9 brake linkage and having them professionally rebuilt so that they fit and function like new. Most of the used boosters currently available are over 40 years old and not reliable enough to waste time installing them. In fact, about 75% of the used boosters I test don't hold vacuum well or the poppet valve doesn't function properly. About half of them are contaminated with brake fluid leaking from the master cylinder . A large number of them can't even be rebuilt because some of the damaged components are NLA. I think a lot of the complaints about the T51 boosters that are installed derives from the fact that folks are installing used ones that do not function as they should.
I hope to have the first batch available late next month.