Tip for polishing the fragile aluminum door trims


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San Francisco, CA
More polishing on some new/used door trim I got from a forum member. Definitely going to make the doors look complete.

A tip on polishing those awkward, fragile door pieces. I used the corner styrofoam pieces from a washer purchase a couple of years ago. Just straighten the hold downs and push them into the foam. Makes a great, straight, and stable base. A
LOT easier to do. Another interesting note. The door pieces are anodized while the center console trim is raw aluminum. Can't really do anything more than clean up the door pieces. No real buffing.
The anodizing can be removed. Done it many times.
All the aluminum trim on my car has had the anodizing removed. It's currently raw by my choice. I can polish it easily in a few minutes.
Basically you use oven cleaner or drain cleaner to remove the anodizing. For long skinny pieces you you get a piece of PVC pipe like 1.5". Get a plastic PVC cap for one end.
Mix cleaner using warm water and put in pipe. Drop aluminum piece in pipe and let sit for 15 minutes.
Take out, clean with scruffy pad.
NOTE- this will make aluminum look very dull. Don't freak out. I will polish back with some effort. I have a buffing wheel I have learned how to use over the years but not the kind of thing you go buy and try. You can get hurt and you can mangle the piece of aluminum beyond repair.
A small buffet wheel on a drill can do what you need for these pieces while holding them in foam or some other way that is safe.

The best cleaner is crystalized Insta-flo drain cleaner. This stuff will burn your skin if you touch for very long. If you get it on you simply wash off. Gloves would be good to handle it.
Thanks Gary-- Yea, I've removed the anodizing before with easy-off but the pvc pipe w that cleaner tip sounds super useful if I ever want to go that route. Cars going to get restored in the future so I just wanted to get the trim pieces on the doors for now. There's really only one piece that's banged up but that's in character with the car at this point.