Tip to make "under the dash" work less painful


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Northern California coast
I discovered this trick while doing some plumbing work under our kitchen sink a while ago. The agony of that kind of work is very similar to that of working under the car dash. The seat corners hurts, the seat belts and the hand brake try to drill holes in your back. You try to get a less painful position but that makes it hard to reach what you need access to, etc...
So I went into the garage and noticed one of our self inflatable camping foam mattresses. The type where you open a valve to let the air out to roll it in a compact form or let the foam inside expand by sucking that air back in.
You can place it anywhere you need it, bend it to fit any uneven surface and roll it back up to store away when you're done.
It makes a world of difference!


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Interesting idea. I just bought two of these for Monterey and they work great!