Trading my original CA Blue Plates for Idaho Plates


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Coeur d'Alene, IDAHO
So this is bitter sweet. Not sure if any or many of you have had to face this decision? I took my original blue plates off of my Bavaria after she had been wearing them for 48 years. Well just the rear plate as the front has been off since I bought it 6 years ago (I still have it). Could I have got creative and kept it registered in CA, sure, but I explain below why I didn't bother. Not an easy decision none the less. It's going to be weird seeing the old girl with a fish on the plate. Sounds like dinner..... o_O I will say Idaho has some great choices of plates that most, if not all, contribute to worthy causes. I'm of course keeping both of the original CA blue plates.

Here is the reason for the that the plates will be out of the CA system, do any of you know if CA can reassign them to someone else if I keep the originals? Luckily they (the DMV) don't make you surrender your old plates. One thing you learn quickly here is the sooner you can get CA plates off of your car, the better. Yes, because of politics.....Anyhow, I'll take a picture of them on the car later today when they arrive in the mail and post a pic. It's going to be weird, not sure why such a little thing like that is giving me anxiety? LOL.....I feel like I'm violating my car.
Understand. Many of us have "a thing" about license plates. Mine boarders on the obsessive.
Sorry, friend! I contemplated this exact scenario eight years ago but putting a little distance between me and Los Angeles ended up being the prescription for me so no plates needed changing.

Can you find a set of antique Idaho plates? Does Idaho allow plate reassigning? Searching the web yields no pictures of fish but I don’t see any way to avoid a mention of potatoes.

Wow, look at the detail on this page:

The lady who owned my car from 1978 to ~1999 made the decision to switch its blue plates out for the “California Sun” series in the ‘80s. Probably a good aesthetic choice. But I can see the original plate number on the service records and I wonder if they’re up on a garage wall somewhere to this day....
Sorry, friend! I contemplated this exact scenario eight years ago but putting a little distance between me and Los Angeles ended up being the prescription for me so no plates needed changing.

Can you find a set of antique Idaho plates? Does Idaho allow plate reassigning? Searching the web yields no pictures of fish but I don’t see any way to avoid a mention of potatoes.

Wow, look at the detail on this page:

The lady who owned my car from 1978 to ~1999 made the decision to switch its blue plates out for the “California Sun” series in the ‘80s. Probably a good aesthetic choice. But I can see the original plate number on the service records and I wonder if they’re up on a garage wall somewhere to this day....
Idaho fish plate.jpeg
I opted for this on the Bav. (but just a regular numbered plate, not a custom, this is off internet) I got an Elk on my daily and a Pet friendly on the Porsche. All go to good causes...
Oh I like it! Speaking for myself I either prefer if the colors are subtle or if they complement the car's color in some fashion. This strikes me as really compatible and it will look nearly grayscale on a Golf car.

At the risk of starting an interstate feud (and hijacking your thread, sorry), this is the one that crosses the line for me:


Although from a matching standpoint it technically features EVERY POSSIBLE COLOR.

Except violet.
I see a little Golf in there....LOL. The cutthroat trout actually made a huge comeback here. I fly fish so I support that stuff. Hunt too hence the Bull Elk plate. And I'm a huge dog guy, just lost my Black Lab and best friend Thalia after 12 years and the Pet Friendly happened to have a lab on it. I dedicated my Porsche to her somewhat..I think they are all pretty cool, just miss my CA blue plate. At least I still have a matching set.

I purchased my aunt's 1967 mustang, have the original Ca black and yellow plates. Quite nostalgic.
Hang onto the old blue plates for special occasions/shows/provenience/resale, etc.

It is possible to have 'reassigned' if you have both plates (DO NOT REPAINT) and the proper paperwork. ;)
I had an old '67 Triumph Daytona 500 that I customized and restored that had modern plates. I painted them Black and Yellow 60's period correct and never was hassled once. Most law enforcement won't care as long as it is registered and tags are paid for. Or most won't even have a clue what you did. Easier to do on a little motorcycle plate, but painting a real vintage CA blue plate back to new, they like that better, easier to read than a beat up old faded plate.
Well here is the Idaho plate on Bav after wearing original CA blue plate since ‘73. 48 years. It was born in April. My car was serviced at Janaco BMW for a long time from the records. Where it was purchased new I have no idea but from very early records it had to be CA. The CA frames I find out don’t really suite ID plates. I had to move reg sticker up and still partially covered. No notch and Idaho up top covered partially. Can’t see the Wildlife below either. Money you spend for specialty plates goes to good cause. I love fishing but it’s just strange not seeing original blue plate on there. But at same time much happier here. Funny seeing a Cutthroat on my little girl. I’ll live. She will too. Keeping originals of course under lock and key.
Looks good! Probably like everything around you right now, it will feel odd until it feels like home.
LOL...thanks....I'm adjusting well.....I went to Colorado State early 90's, lived in Jackson Hole, WY late 90's,2000 (really Wilson, WY, close enough) and spent a lot of time in the mountains in Tahoe growing up. I love it here.