try going on the roof console shift .. 4 plastics are those that go in place of 4 sw


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try going on the roof console shift ..

4 plastics are those that go in place of 4 switches for the electric windows bmw e9 ..

I have the mechanisms of the glass front hand ... I have now the 4 switches for electric windows, but I do not need!

some of you have to sell those tires??
try going on the roof console shift ..

4 plastics are those that go in place of 4 switches for the electric windows bmw e9 ..

I have the mechanisms of the glass front hand ... I have now the 4 switches for electric windows, but I do not need!

some of you have to sell those tires??

It was hard to understand if you are asking or offering and what :).
Maybe write it in Italian and we'll figure it out in the original.
coperchi per alza verti elettrici.

ok,ora scrivo in italiano!

io avevo i vetri elettrici sulla mia e9.
ora non li ho più e ho montato i vetri manuali.

vicino alla leva dove si mettono le marce ho mantenuto i bottoni per far scendere e salire i vetri elettrici.

questi interruttori e sono 4 non mi servono più.

devo prendere quelli dove manca il bottone per alzare i vetri.sono uguali e vengono montati sulle prime csl oppure le prime 2800.

essi sono solo da coperchio.

ciao e grazie a tutti
Ciao Gianni,

Non ti posso aiutare diretamente, pero posso scrivere in Inglese come aiuto.

Gianni has converted the electric windows on his coupe to manual winding mechanisms. As a result he no longer needs the four electric switches, which I assume are available, but does need the four plastic and chrome blanking cover fitments without buttons, as originally fitted to early CSL's and 2800's, to fill the gaps in the console around the gear shift. Can anyone help him?
I can assist only as a translator.

Ciao Stefano