Turn signal cancel not working


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Took the bottom cover off and can see that the signal switch works fine but there is nolever on the column behind the steering wheel to push the lever which cancels the switch. I was wondering what this lever should look like, where it is mounted and if it is possible to get one. Thanks
steering wheel turn signal contact

I think your turn signal problem is similar to mine. I coincidentally just logged on now to resolve it. Perhaps an expert can help both of us in one hit. I've just tried to swap steering wheels on my two e9s. One has a nice motorsport italvolanti wheel I'm trying to put on my main car to replace the standard wheel. Problem is, the motorsport hub appears to have the turn signal cancel piece integrated into the hub, whereas, the original wheel seems to have a separate piece which is on the column, just on top of the spring. This is difficult to describe, but I think anyone who's changed a wheel or turn signal will know exactly what I mean. How can I remove this from the column ? I guess your problem is the opposite ckprop, somone no doubt removed a wheel which has this piece integrated, and replaced it with one that hasn't. I'll post a pic when I can, otherwise there are quite a few pics if you search the forums for discussions on "steering wheel".
Steering wheel cancelling cam

The cam part (ring or washer) shows up as a good part number. It's in the steering section, but in the covers rather than the shaft. I think it's around $10. You can always post a WTB ad in the parts secton, and my guess is it was also used on other years/ makes.

The cam is removeable. It should just pull off. I say that because when doing an adjustment, besides the switch screws, the cam is turned to center it, then the nut is tightened down to keep it in place; otherwise it can spin around from it's optimum centered to the switch tang position. Sometimes it takes a couple of tries as it moves around until tight.

Certain wheels needed the cam; others had the cam/ actuator ring on the bottom. They are both shown in the parts diagram.

Sounds like one of you has a cam and wants to get rid of it and the other needs it.
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Thanks for the response, yes you're right there. I do think I need to keep mine with the wheel however, as I may not like the smaller one and will regret getting rid of it. Sounds like an easy fix for the both of us, which never happens. Hopefully a gentle few taps will free it.
I still have the stock steering wheel. That piece is definitely missing from mine. I guess the search begins. Thanks again for all your help.