Turn Signal / Indicators not working ??


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Hi, I have completed replacement engine and now going after 8 years idle. BUT I cannot get the turn signals working (I now recall they weren't working 8 years ago):
- hazard lights are working, so I assume flasher relay and all earths are ok
- turn lever works to turn on parking lights (when Ignition off)
- using a meter and turn signal switch plug connector disconnected from car, it appears switch makes contact on both Left and then Rights sides

so I can't see why indicators aren't working ??

I appreciate any suggestions from experience with turn signals, thanks
Relay have separate circuit for hazard lights & separate circuit for turn indicators.

Not sure I understood that; are you saying there are two flashers, one for the hazard lights and a second one for the turn indicators? That's not the way my coupe is wired, though the later cars may be different.

jeme9: What happens when you move the TS lever? Does the dash indicator come on? How many connections go to your hazard flasher button: six (early car) or eight (late)?

The TS flasher won't begin flashing until there is sufficient current passing through it (which is why you need to add resistors in parallel with LED bulbs when using LED's with a mechanical flasher). So it's possible that your flasher will operate with 4 bulbs (e.g., on hazard) but not with only 2 (e.g., on turn signal). Higher wattage bulbs, cleaned-up connections & grounds, or an electronic flasher might remedy things if this is the issue.
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Thanks Jay,
sorry only one flasher, but it works on hazard but not indicators.
Re your questions:
- when I first move lever nothing happens at all, not even dash indicator
- the hazard button / switch has 6 connections,

I tried removing RHS globes to then test if hazards would work (with 2 globes) but started burning hazard circuit fuses (#4) - i did blow one yesterday also at some stage. Maybe I have some issues within my hazard switch !?
Not sure I understood that; are you saying there are two flashers, one for the hazard lights and a second one for the turn indicators? That's not the way my coupe is wired, though the later cars may be different.
Not flashers, switches
62 turn switch
65/74 hazard switch


Yes mine has Turn switch (ref 62) with 8 connections,
and Hazard flasher switch (ref 65) with 6 connections,
and Hazard warning flasher unit (ref 74) 4 connections
basically as per your diagram
They still share the same relay

Before I did the retrofit my hazards worked but not my turns (were very weak)
Search for low-current flasher relays. This cured my problem, which was very similar to yours.
I tried removing RHS globes to then test if hazards would work (with 2 globes) but started burning hazard circuit fuses (#4) - i did blow one yesterday also at some stage. Maybe I have some issues within my hazard switch !?

Removing two bulbs and trying the hazards was a good idea. But blown fuses suggests that more is wrong than a flasher unit with a too-high current threshold (as I suggested in post #4).

My guess is that the problem is not in the red hazard button. Since that has no direct connection to ground, it is unlikely to be passing enough current to ground to blow the fuse. It could be a bad turn signal switch on the column. But it could also be darn near anything in the TS/hazard circuits.
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