Two Suggestions for the Forum's Admin.


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Northeast USA
Since there doesn't appear to be a designated section of the forum for feedback or suggestions, I'll making my suggestive post here.

My first suggestion is to create a section in the forum where people can offer up suggestions and feedback regarding this site and the forums in general.

My second suggestion is to create a section where new members can introduce themselves.

Of course, I'm not telling the admin. how to run their site. I'm just offering up a few suggestions.
Thanks for the suggestions. There was a Feedback/Suggestion forum at one point but never got used much. I might have deleted it because I would have to do more work if you guys had good suggestions! ;-)

The New Member Intro forum is a good idea. We'll see how it goes...

I'm not sure how much use an intro forum would actually get. The people that have been here for a while would almost never go there, so very few people would ever look at it. Plus, we don't exactly get dozens of new members every day, so there aren't too many intro threads in the general section.
I'm not sure how much use an intro forum would actually get. The people that have been here for a while would almost never go there, so very few people would ever look at it. Plus, we don't exactly get dozens of new members every day, so there aren't too many intro threads in the general section.

This is why we never had one, but its probably worth a try. It can always get deleted later if it doesn't get used.
From my own experience as a newbie to the site, I felt that it would be kind of awkward if my first post was made in the middle of a topic that was started by somebody else. As rare as the newbie may be around here, it might be a good idea to have an intro section so that other newbies aren't faced with the decision of 'where do I jump in?'

I decided to make my intro in the photo section. I figured that I could share a little bit of info about myself and then offer up some images to the group. As it turns out, the images became the main topic of the post, while my intro has yet to receive as much as a simple 'hello' or 'welcome' or 'thank you for posting'. In all honesty (and I don't mean to sound harsh) that kind of welcome reflects rather poorly on the established members of the forum. Taking into consideration the kind of response that I received to my intro, it stands to reason why an intro section might not work. Knowing how it feels to be a newbie here, I'd most certainly be willing to say hello or welcome to anyone that chose to post their introduction there.

Again, I'm not trying to tell anyone how to run this site. I'm just trying to paint a picture of how it feels to be new around here.

Thanks for listening.
On the other hand, there are 2500 or more members on this site and there are folks that have been around for a year before posting. I, for one, don't pay a whole lot of attention to the number of posts someone has made, so if someone "jumped in" to a thread and it was his/her first post, I probably wouldn't notice if they didn't mention it.

I understand where you're coming from and there is not right or wrong here, but we have tried a Newbie forum in the past and I think you might be the second person to bring it up in the past three years. That said, when I post to other forums with a "new to the forum" comment in my post, its rare not to get several welcome replies.

BTW.... "Welcome!". No joke. :-D

On the other hand, there are 2500 or more members on this site and there are folks that have been around for a year before posting. I, for one, don't pay a whole lot of attention to the number of posts someone has made, so if someone "jumped in" to a thread and it was his/her first post, I probably wouldn't notice if they didn't mention it.

I understand where you're coming from and there is not right or wrong here, but we have tried a Newbie forum in the past and I think you might be the second person to bring it up in the past three years. That said, when I post to other forums with a "new to the forum" comment in my post, its rare not to get several welcome replies.

BTW.... "Welcome!". No joke. :-D


Indeed, the post count isn't something I usually look at. Heck, I look more at the user's listed location, as the most common questions (where can I get parts, who does what in my area, etc.) have geographically-sensitive answers.
candvbmw - welcome to the site! sorry you didnt get a warmer welcome at your first post. Hope you dont take it the wrong way. Being a member of 4 other bmw forums, id have to say that the folks around here are some of the nicest and most welcoming you will meet. Its probably true that isnt as strictly regulated or as structured as others, but i personally find that a plus. On another, later model forum that i joined earlier this year, i actually had my first post deleted from the 'general topics' sections and moved 'for me' to the 'newbie' forum. this was followed by an email explaining that as i was new to the site, i'd gain acceptance faster and receive a warmer welcome if i said hello first in the forum established for new owners / members. My first thought was ' i'm new to this site, not to cars or bmws'. Very much had the feeling of joining a club with rights and rituals rather than simply coming into an open and free community of people who share an obvious common interest in a particular make/ model of car. On yet another site, the welcome was warm at my first post (not in a newbie forum), but soon after, my apparently inadequate post count brought out the 'you only have 10 posts... what knowledge could you possibly have that would be helpful to me...' type of posts. You'll find none of that here.

- Didnt mean to rant. I'm cool whether we do the new members forum or not. It might actually be an active area, particularly if we welcome folks who ,like me, lurk for a year before they actually purchase a car. it could be an area where new members can post (at least initially) some of those common questions that have been asked a million times without the fear of being lectured to about using the search tool before posting (yes - we should all use the search tool first... just say'n :)). It could almost be viewed as a beginners forum. That might encourage older, more experienced members to pass through and volunteer assistance to the new guys/girls and give the area longer legs and greater purpose than simply being a place where you say 'hello, here's my new bucket o'rust :)'...

anyway... my .02

again, welcome to the site!

I can see where candvbmw is coming from. Im new othe forum as well- been here for about a month or so. As testament to the openness and friendly nature of the forum, i have just purchased a coupe with significant advice and input from a number of the forum members and it was significant $$ so the way they have built trust to me as complete strangers is enough of a welcome. I hope you enjoy your time on the forum and benefit from the incredible knowledge here. From one newbie to another - welcome!
Thanks for all of the feedback.. (and the welcomes) ..I really do appreciate it. These are the kind of replies that I was hoping for, since each of your replies has enabled me to view this topic from another perspective.

As I mentioned earlier, I'm in no way telling the admin. how the site should be run or set up. I was just making some suggestions based on my own experience and observations. Without knowing what some of your own experiences and observations are, a guy like me would be left scratching his head and wondering. So, thanks again for all of your replies.