UK insurance question on a twice written-off 3.0 cs


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hello, I'm new here and need some help. I'm looking into buying a '71 3.0 cs coupe (my dream car), it's immaculate, but an HPI check flagged two "total loss" write-offs in 1987.

I'm certain the seller hasn't declared the previous history to his insurers as he says he was unaware of the write-offs. I'd like to make sure that my insurance cover is completely legitimate, basically I need to know that if I make an insurance claim that it wont be null and void because I haven't volunteered this information.

(I think) my question is, does anyone have prior experience of a similar situation? Would you walk away from the purchase? and if I come totally clean with my insurers will their quote be astronomical and will they probably walk away from me!


Hi capn, and welcome to the group!

I have no experience of such a scenario, but I personally would not withhold a single thing from the Insurance company. Noweadays, they will use any withheld information as a reason to void cover. " In-growing toenail Sir in 1992, you didnt tell us about this major surgery Sir, did you? " LOL

I know there are "write offs" and "write offs" and it sometimes doesn't take much for a car to be declared as one, when it is assessed that the repair cost is more than the estimated value. I wonder what caused it to be declared as a write off?

My advice would be to involve your Insurance folk before making your decision. See what they say. Having said that, I do not want to put you off. They are great cars.

You say the car is immaculate, so I really really dont want to put you off. Do you have any pictures you could post? Have the car checked over by a specialist / engineer, if all the work has been done properly, the car may still be a good prospect. I am certain that the more mechanically minded in the group will advise you further.

Where in the UK are you? There might be a group member near you, who could look at the car with you.

Keep us posted!
hello capn,
2 total write offs in the same year is a little wierd...
As Dave says there are write offs and write offs. It may of been uncommercially viable for an insurance company to fix with genuine BMW parts etc, but it is for an individual to buy it as a "Damaged Repairable" which is quite legal and as long as it has been done properly that's ok

I would very stringly recommend that you get a proper Automotive Engineer to look at it (AA or RAC) and be aware that HPI isn't always 100% accurate..
Good Luck