UK RHD CSL VIN and registration document mis-match


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I met with a bloke selling a CSL for restoration, I looked at the car and found that the plate in the car that was covered in crap had a VIN number of 2285210.

The registration document has a July 1972 registration date and a VIN number of 2285431

Now this seems odd to me - both look like CSL numbers but if a car was 431 I would have expected it to be later as my own car is 223 and was registered in 1972

What do you think this is about, opinions anyone?
As far as I'm aware, all RHD CSL's were made at the same time and sat waiting in Germany to be imported to England when sold. They were not imported in VIN order. For example, I have number 009 and it was imported in October 1972, therefore after your no. 431, so I wouldn't worry!
Surely having a different VIN number on the registration document and on the engine plate itself would suggest something awkward?
Sorry, I misread slightly.
Yes, the VIN plate on the car should match the V5. If it does n't then there could be a problem. You could email mobil tradition department at BMW and they can confirm original details of the car which may help you out.
Think the guys name was jacobsen and he was based at mobil tradition at BMW HQ in Germany. Havent got the email address but I'm sure you could google him etc.
Check the chassis number stamped in the bulkhead between the heater box and the left hand side of the car looking from the front. It's stamped facing towards the windscreen on a flattish area

This number should match the number in the BMW plate and the engine, if original. If not check around the bulkhead very carefully to see if the number has been welded in, or re stamped. It could of been cut out of another car. In fact look for welding around the bulkhead area.

This is ringing , trying to make a car appear to be something else, and is illegal.

If the stamped number matches the engine then it could be what it says it is, but at the very least get a vehicle check (HPI) etc done on it.

If it isn't what it says it is and you buy it the police could confiscate it, crush it, and you would have no come back at all

Trying not to be miserable, there may be genuine reasons for the mismatches but be very careful.

I was inclined not to touch it with a 10 foot long pole as it stinks if you ask me even if the owner is innocent of the issue