Under dash panel/cover switch mystery


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Northern California coast
I am re-installing the under dash panels and I am trying to figure out what the switches and buttons are for. I remember reading something about this in the past from @HB Chris but all my searches have gone nowhere. My coupe is a '74 so its electrics are slightly different. Here is what the panel looks like:


According to the manual, (which shows a pic for another year) on the left, the green button is for the optional fog lights. On the right, there is supposed to be a matching shape yellow button for the rear defroster. Note that the hazard switch (which is #2 in their pic) is installed right above that in the dash fascia panel on my car

IMG_5068.jpeg IMG_5072.jpeg

This button is nowhere to be found in my parts boxes and I cannot remember if it was there when I took it all apart 6 or 7 years ago. When I look at the electrical schematic, it show that the rear defroster switch has a Blue and green wire coming into it and a black wire coming out of it. I find no wires like that anywhere in that general area

IMG_5069.jpeg IMG_5070.jpeg

The rectangular holes are for the window relays so that is cool. But below those, there is another smaller hole which I cannot find a reason for. Does anyone else have that hole?

odometer re-set dial?

Doesn't ring a bel for me +the hole seems quite rudimentary cut. Not as if it was done in a series production.

The odometer reset dial should be located behind the fuse box lid, so if the dial was relocated there, it was a creative PO addition.

Does that backside of the panel have a matching depression? If so, then the hole was for stock switches or possibly accessory stuff.
The other switches, if I remember it correctly do have such depressions on the backside, so that's why I'm thinking along those lines.
Thank you Shannon and Erik.

The odometer reset is indeed under the left side hatch that accesses the fuse box, so that is not it.

I was also reminded by @HB Chris that the defrost is on the center console. Duh! So the larger of the two holes is still a mystery.

As far as the smaller one, the most logical explanation is indeed that it would be a previous owner's handiwork.