Unique Shift Nob


Well-Known Member
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Oak Ridge, TN
I dare say this is the only shift nob of it's kind; completed and installed:

Please ignore the dust and grime, this is being systematically cleaned as I work my way through the interior.






I was shooting for a Bavarian Flag motif with colors that would blend to match my dash and Nardi steering wheel. From this perspective it turned out great. I did have trouble keeping the layers all aligned during glue up. It is hard to describe the process to cut and glue but suffice to say there were many steps and 3-dimensional clamping involved.
Looks great John

You are talented to say the least. Post more pictures of your car coming together.
I haven't been too diligent about photographing the entire process but I have been trying harder lately as I deal with different little things. I'll try to post the entire project at some point. I just paid for a "Pro" photobucket license for this purpose.

I'm making new door panels at present. I just found some used metal trim for the rear panels which was missing. My neighbor suggested that I actually use the same veneer as I put on my dash to upgrade the door panels (top portion above trim). It is an interesting thought but perhaps it needs to wait for a few years ... too many little details are driving me crazy! :?