vacation progress: headliner installation


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San Jose, CA
Wow. That is damned impressive. Headliner installation is something I've never had the balls to tackle. I assume the cars is on a rotisserie? I'd love to see more pictures of the car mounted on same.

Great job!
coupe progress

Coupe upsidedown + a hundred binder clips definitely helps. Even still, it didn't come out perfect. More images: the site isn't organized in any sensible fashion, but feel freel to browse through the folders:

The folder, YearInConcord, shows a lot of rotisserie shots.
Damn that's cool! Have you been lurking? Are you doing this work at your home here in SJ? I'd love to see your car. Gentlemen we have a real craftsman in our midst here. Take a look at these pictures.............this is really cool.

Tell us more about the car please!
That is an impressive undertaking and the work looks great. I feel a south bay field trip coming on sometime soon.

72 3.0cs
Brief history.

The project has spanned 7-years, one apartment, two houses, two storage spaces, a one-year stint renting 200 square feet from a racing shop up in Concord, and the perfunctory underestimated stay at a body shop. Now that the car and I reside in the same location, things are starting to pick up. A lot of the rust reparations were done before I knew anything about Coupes: especially, that much of the sheet metal was still available. In this regard, the car will not stand up to close OEM scrutiny. I anyone wants to drop by Willow Glen, send me a PM.