Vintage racing during covid


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Bahston (Boston)
Covid has played havoc with my vintage racing hobby in more ways than one. Yes, we’ve seen mass cancellations of our events. But worse, covid and our new normal policies seem to have elevated the in- track danger.

This weekend we had a vintage race event which included a group of 20 Alfa’s from the 1930’s thru the 1960’s. Although this was a small gathering of under 100 cars, it was a nice turnout for a private fall event. what I saw, unfortunately, was an unprecedented number of crashes.

We we had a 30% attrition rate due to crashes!

What I observed was
(1) people trying to cram a years worth of excitement into less than half as many events. For many this was their first or second event of 2020, where as in a normal year they’d have done 5-6 already.

(2) rusty brains, lack of seat time.

BTW that 87 year old Alfa beat all but two of the 1950/60’s Alfa’s, all of the 356’s, and a good number of vintage front engines sports racers. It was a testament to the amazing engineering by Vittorio Jano’ team and great driving by Peter Greenfield, who is almost as old at the car!

The silver lining, no racing meant time to recommission my E9 for the road.

(Photo by Sean Smith, and is a low res screen shot. If he objects I’ll delete it.)
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COTA is next - vintage races in Austin
Peter, Drew, Benji and I will be there..
a day at the races and a run into the hill country.
COTA is next - vintage races in Austin
Peter, Drew, Benji and I will be there..
a day at the races and a run into the hill country.
Too far for a working stiff. Will have to wait till I’m retired and take a month to go cross country.
8 Alfa’s are missing from the photo, but we still had enough to have own run group.

(1) black 1900CSS
(2) two SZ’s and a grey spider veloce (covid and rain kept them away).
(3) 2 white spider veloces (crash damage)
(4) 2 more Sprints veloces (stuck in the shop)

we all know the car in front (Peter Greenfield’s) is worth all the rest combined, and then multiplied by 15.

I’m the ugly one on the right... we are just reminding Peter that we are faster (but not better) that him.

Ha ! i see a Morgan in the background .... :D
Those Morgan’s are deceptively light and fast. Their old styling is a trick to make you complacent.

We used to have a lot more Morgan’s, Bugatti’s and 356’s come out.

Each car model seems to go thru cycles where we have lots then only a few. Morgan’s were everywhere a while ago, but now rare. We were down to a lonely single 356 for a few years, but at this event we had 3 plus a few early dry nice 911/912’s.

Next year we there will be so many Alfa’s we likely be labeled the new “cockroaches of the club,” and a push will be made to recruit more MGA’s (to counter balance out the Italian influence).
COTA is next - vintage races in Austin
Peter, Drew, Benji and I will be there..
a day at the races and a run into the hill country.

Color me jealous. I had planned to get to a handful of vintage races this year; didn't make any.