Want to Buy: 3.0 CSi


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Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and am looking to buy a well sorted out 3.0 CSi. The more stock the better.
These coupes are going to cost anywhere from $25K up to $100K
What is your budget? How original? CS, CSi or CSL?
Any sort of upgrades; 5 speed, 3.5L, ?
These coupes are going to cost anywhere from $25K up to $100K
What is your budget? How original? CS, CSi or CSL?
Any sort of upgrades; 5 speed, 3.5L, ?

I don't really have a particular budget. It depends on the car I guess. If it's a CSl then higher, and if its a CSi then somewhere around $40k-$60K.

There was a tiaga green csi in Greece on car and classic UK for ~37k w/o shipping. You might try that site as well as some other European sites as the csi is prodiminately a euro only model....

Depending on your standards, you should be able to hunt down a fair example and not have to pay the higher internet prices....although its determination that really counts.

Good luck and welcome.

These coupes are going to cost anywhere from $25K up to $100K
What is your budget? How original? CS, CSi or CSL?
Any sort of upgrades; 5 speed, 3.5L, ?

Stan you do not ask the budget question to a guy whose signature lists a Ghibli and a Testarrosa :).
Stan you do not ask the budget question to a guy whose signature lists a Ghibli and a Testarrosa :).

That's pretty funny. I am anything but a high roller, but as a general car whore, the car Gods allowed things to line up nicely this year. On the serious side, I think a nice driver's 3.0 between $40-$60k would be ideal.
good point,

i am tempted to offer my humble CS for a good price if he wants it,...

We've all seen the spectacular work deQuincey does when he lays hands on anything. If this car were really for sale, it would be the best buy of the year!

We've all seen the spectacular work deQuincey does when he lays hands on anything. If this car were really for sale, it would be the best buy of the year!


thank you john, i am overwhelmed by your kind words, i think that my car has still some defects, by no means a concourse car, ...yet
but if someone puts 60k on my table,...:roll:
that will be really tempting !
...but i think i will be able to resist, at least i think so :grin: