Water pump woes


Well-Known Member
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Gladwyne, PA
Hello: I discovered that my water pump is going south. emptied the cooant reservoir recently but does not leak while running. I took all the pressure off the cap and now after truning the car off it will lose about 6 oz. of water. Yesterday it lost nothing.

My question is how long until it fails catastrophically? I have driven the car only a handful of times since discovering it was leaking. Is it bad to keep running the car now? I have been watching the temp gauge very closely. Thanks.
First -- are you sure its the water pump leaking and not something else? I only ask since you mention it didn't leak with the motor running -- did you see it leaking with the motor stopped? Usually they'll leak out the weep holes when the seal starts to go. If that's the case, then it could go immediately -- or it may just leak a little every now and then. I drove mine like that for a year -- but I didn't care about the motor that was in it and it never started gushing out. I don't recommend doing that. Water pumps are cheap and its an easy job. If it doesn't look like its pouring out, just top off the coolant and drive it to the shop (or the auto parts store if you do your own work) and replace it now.
Water pumps can be a little "querky" if sitting for a long time they will leak and then seal again, however agree with AndyM could be something else - no sign of "mayonaise" under the oil filler cap?, no oil in the water?

That said, pretty simple to change and not too expensive, my option would be to got for a later pump with the large LH thread, fit a "modern" viscious coupling and a multiblade fan from a later 1980's 5 or 6 series engine, which should be obtainable from any decent scrapper

Water pump change

R&R of the pump is not difficult, others say - unless one or more of those little bolts snap off, which they REALLY LIKE TO DO.

Well, when you get 'em out, run a tap in, blow out the hole, and use lots of antizieze on the bolts. Clean the bolt threads (if they still have any) before you put 'me back in.

If one bolt breaks, maybe you can get it out. If not, one missing is not big thing, just use some sealer around it and snug things up. If two adjacent bolts go south, your're gonna need to remove the remains of at least one.

all in alln not a difficult job. Take the radiator out, the fan and pulley off, then unbolt the pump slowly and carefully.