Weber 38s


Well-Known Member
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Saint Augustine, FL
Who has dual weber 38s installed? Care to share your jetting specs or any other issues you have had? Has anyone had issues with the quality of the carbs? Mine have 12K on them are have worn out due to poor build quality.
Attached is the Weber Baseline Jetting chart - probably a good place to start if you're between sealevel and 1000'.

Things to watch for is the correct fuel pressure at the carb 3psi, a fuel filter between the fuel tank and pump and another between the pressure regulator and the carbs (overkill but it is a 30 years + car). I'm assuming you are using an aftermarket electric cause the linkage at the carb probably won't work with the mechanical so check that the linkage operates with NO binding.

My jetting at 4000' +
Main Fuel 140 (may drop to 135)
Air Corrector 220
Idle 50 (inspite of the altitude)

I recommend using a fuel/air ratio meter to get the mixture right. Also balence the air flow between the two carbs wth a sync meter.

About to try F7 emulsion jets on the 32/26 DGV Weber. Does anybody know where to source the top gaskets for this Weber?
hi Arde

did ya try just down the road from ya at Pierce Manifolds in Gilroy?
