Well class, e9 + e23 = ???


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Okay, I've got:
1974 BMW 3.0cs Automatic (e9)
1986 BMW 735i Automatic (e23)

The e23 needs lots of repairs, so I am currently trying to sell it.
The e9 has a malfunctioning 3-spd transmission, which must go.
The e23, on the other hand, has an awesome drivetrain and a cool set of rims with better tyres.

- I have heard of people dropping 735 motors into 3.0s, but can I drop an engine and the accompanying automatic tranny in there? An m/t is a feasible option but I want to use the parts that I have if possible.
- Will the 15" 735i rims fit on my 3.0 without any modification?
- If I just decided on getting a manual gearbox for my 3.0, is dropping the 3.5l motor in my e9 still a good idea or will I be pissing a good deal of money away on accomodating the change?

Hello Mew
Depending on which part of the world you are in plus the type of work required for your 735 it isn't really going to be worth very much. In the UK and it was "street legal" you might get £300 (~$600US). Otherwise it's scrap value only, you would probably get more money for it if it is broken for parts and you put it on the 'Bay

The transplant is definitely "do able", as usual the devil is in the detail so I will start a list, which others can add or remove from, the things you need to think about when executing the conversion.
THe most important thing is do you have the time and the space?

1.. Does the 4 speed auto physically fit?
2.. Change the prop shaft?
3.. Powersteering pump / pipe layout
4.. Speedometer drive
5.. Engine management placement (ECU)
6.. Engine wiring harness (injectors sensors etc)
7.. Throttle linkage
8.. Cooling (radiator, fan etc)
9.. AC if applicable
10.. Fuel system (Carbs to injection, pump, return line, tank etc)
11.. engine mounts
12.. exhaust system

IMHO the "worst" bit will be running a second line back to the tank for the injection system. However that said there are ways to deal with that

Hope this gives you something to think about and I am sure if you decide to give it a go we will all help!