What holds the delicate defroster vents in place?


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Northern California coast
On the outer side, there are some clips on the underside of the horizontal upper dash panel. But on the inner side, there doesn't appear to be anything to hold them in place. Are they simply held up by the accordion hose that attaches to the heater box at the bottom?

correct, only one clip per vent; clips are located on the outside. The defroster vent is basically sandwiched in place between the top vinyl pad and the supporting steel dash.

To remove the clips, slide them out and lift up to get the rezinced. they not the most rust resistance type of steel.
Thank you Erik. When you say that it is "sandwiched in place between the top vinyl pad and the supporting steel dash", it seems like the opening in the supporting steel dash is slightly wider than the width of the vent. That is how you are able to push it through that opening. So I'm not sure how much support that opening is offering. But I suppose that if you push either forward or backward over one of the edges. It could rest (however precariously) over that. And then the accordion hose pushes it up so it doesn't fall down. Seems a bit weak but it's obviously not a critical. area.

IMG_8637.jpg IMG_8636.jpg
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Seeing the pics, I see that indeed the vents don't really rest well on the steel structure, not as I thought they did at least.
Your pics show well how just a small edge of the vent opening rests on the metal structure.

So yes, partly supported by the clip, precariously by the steel dash surface, and the accordion hose must also help a bit.

Not the most decent engineering job in our e9....