What kind of hand tools do you use on your E9?


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Just curious as to what's in your toolbox. I use Craftsman Pro Series.
Lots of Craftsman, various other odds and ends. No Snap-On, no Facom... I spend my money on the car. 8) Plus, honestly -- does a $50 wrench really turn a bolt better than a $12 one? I've done some pretty significant repairs using cheap Chinese hardware store tools, it never affected the quality of my work.
Lots of Craftsman, various other odds and ends. No Snap-On, no Facom... I spend my money on the car. 8) Plus, honestly -- does a $50 wrench really turn a bolt better than a $12 one? I've done some pretty significant repairs using cheap Chinese hardware store tools, it never affected the quality of my work.

I agree totally, it's the man behind the tools not the tools themselves. But I have seen some SnapOn fanatics get absolutely visceral without any proof to backup why their tools are better.
I mostly use my MAC tools in the garage -- but I only have them because they were free. Otherwise its Craftsman if I'm buying them on my own nickel.

But my favorite is still the Metrinch socket set someone bought me years ago -- for only three easy payments of $9.95 -- which double as standard and metric all in one. Funny thing is, they actually work. They're in my bucket of junkyard tools for days at the local pick-n-pull.
I use a hodge podge of tools. Some handed down by my dad over the years, some bought as the need arose. My fave is the specially ground down big ass craftsman socket for undoing the pilot shaft nut on the Getrag.

I'd say, on balance it's about 80% craftsman, 5 % cheap junk and 5 % heirloom tools (a nice micrometer in a felt lined wooden box, beutiful forged and polished box wrenches, and some cool old Whitworth sockets...)
As one post said, if it turn sthe nut, then who cares?

I can understand why you might buy SO or Facom if you wrench for a living. I just get a laugh out of how adamant some people are about only buying premium tools when their idea of a big day of wrenching is rotating their tires and doing an oil change...

And speaking of big days (weeks...months...years!) of wrenching -- TJ, wazzup with the Alfa?!
SK and SnapOn, though the new Craftsman are looking much finer than the old versions that were too heavy, too cumbersome, and had a poor finish.

It really does make a difference when I'm using the SnapOn stuff. Yes the work accomplished comes out the same but its far more pleasurable to hold a quality tool in my hand than a cheap piece of Chinese junk.
Yeah, On second thought, I gotta concur with Malc..

Makita 4 inch angle grinder, and a Hobart 110VAC mig welder....

....and Powerbraid...OK, it's not exactly a tool...but it's great stuff!

I'm kind partial to a nice 14" chain saw.

If that doesn't work then it's Craftsman for the often used items and the more than occasional visit to Harbor Freight for stuff like the 3/4 inch drive air gun (that removes crank pulley bolts pretty as you please) for about $80.