White plastic mouting pads for sun visors


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switzerland and sweden
I need a few, and seem to have read somewhere about them being available either NOS or reproduced.
Any suggestions ????

As I had the visor out, I tried to wash it with a normal liquid dish washing detergent (Yes by P&G. Not the dish washing machine powder which is very strong). Made no visible difference, really.
Any hints on a different product (available in Europe) ?
I was able to buy those new (NOS) but that was at least six years ago.

Pretty sure I got them from Maximillian. They were getting alot of my money at the time.
I tried to wash it with a normal liquid dish washing detergent (Yes by P&G. Not the dish washing machine powder which is very strong). Made no visible difference, really.

You might not be able to wash off the stains, and have to cover them with paint. Here in the States paint specificly formulated for vinyl is made by SEM. It comes in a variety of colors, and works pretty well on sunvisors (and headliners).
sunvisor pivots, etc.


These guys list the part and a kit. Some readers have reported slow service though. I've bought from them on occasion and didn't have an issue.

Alternatively, Bav ( NOS) visors show up from time to time. But they had several versions of color/ black/ white/ half. The pivot part is the same and twists on. Heat it up first in hot water; the trick is the twist.

Restoring visors- depends on what your doing. Can be done almost to Pebble Beach standards.(early speedsters are done this way where they don't make them anymore.)

Good cleaning first. Gentle as you've tried. Start with simple green or clear; but you have to scrub several times. Toothpaste works best next because of fine abrasives.

Yes, the SEM vinyl dyes work if all else fails. And best with very light coats.

If your foam or wire frame inside is what your hoping to work on pm me.
Anybody know off hand what type of screws the visor clips use? Thread type and screw length? pic perhaps with dims?

Just got some in the mail and would rather not to bugger up the threads with test fitting, need to run to the hardware store....


Realoem or max shows the correct detail on the parts for reference.

The screws are listed with sizes and type. Oval head, #4 comes to mind on the pivot. #3 on the clip. Chrome- but maybe stainless could work if polished.

I'm afraid to breath real hard on the ones I have. So maybe someone else is in the middle of this project can help?