Who pulled out all the stops?

I have the same question re this , did alpina use webers or solex carbs?
This kit here also looks like it has a korman manifold, can anyone tell?
Here's another Alpina air-box set up on D'Bay....also in this board's Classified section. Can anybody here read it? Has 48 Solex's too.....
What car did it come out of? Where is the car these came from? :shock:

Ebay# 230087237605

Should would be neat to open the hood and see that. Anyone have this set up here on the west coast? Did Carey's Alpina coupe have this or was it FI? Love to see a Dyno chart with this Alpina set-up sometime.

Whomever becomes the new 'stewards' of these airbox set-ups, your mission is to install and Dyno it and post the results for us mortals.... :wink:

keep Coupin'
What made these special was the reworked combustion chambers, and the Alpina cam profile.

Cary's car has the correct stock Alpina carb setup.

I suppose they could work with solex or DCOE48's, but man...48's are HUGE. You know the diameter of the intake valves? 8) Neither are correct for when Alpina used these, but who knows what they did to sell them over the counter, remember their "distributors" were pretty much free to do whatever they wanted (and they still do)

My yellow E3 has 48's (we always called them 50's) and it just drowns until its wound up good, and thats with a big free-breathing 3.5 liter.

The literature from the tuner-shootout articles in the early 70's says Alpina used DCOE 40's.
Alpina's logo famously depicts a Weber DCOE. Never say never, but they weren't known for using Solexes. Bovensiepen was involved with Fiats before turning his wrath on BMWs, so that may be where the link to the Italian carbs comes in. It was BMW that had a proclivity for Solexes and I can't think of any other application they had for 40mm PHHs (Solex DCOE equivalent) than the M10.

[Broken External Image]:http://www.alpina-automobiles.com/historie/img/800/04.jpg