Why you need to strip the paint...


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30473AC7-168B-439D-90D5-F6AEC7B63D50.jpeg how many coats are there?
My coupe looked great overall, just tired paint. When VSR stripped to bare metal, it was apparent the car was sideswiped and the rear quarter panel was sort of pulled out with a dent puller but the holes were never sealed. Looked like a cheese grater!
My coupe looked great overall, just tired paint. When VSR stripped to bare metal, it was apparent the car was sideswiped and the rear quarter panel was sort of pulled out with a dent puller but the holes were never sealed. Looked like a cheese grater!

That's how 90% of the body work was done in the 70s and 80s. My old Dodge Challenger was like that too. Master bondo sculptures.
Your car will be faster without 200 pounds of Bondo

On a serious note, I think we should run a competition to see which member has the thickest paint on their cars. Winner gets a 10 gallon bulk order of paint stripper and a scraper.
I misread that at first.. I thought you wrote winner gets a 10 gallon bulk order of paint!
I had at least 13 layers of stuff on mine in some places..


And over a centimeter of bondo in other places:rolleyes:

Just the tip of the iceberg, I fear. Notice the bondo on the right is being lifted by the rust underneath. Do I get bonus points for the few spots of brazing on the edge of the gaping hole?

The corrosion was there when I bought the car and will be dealt with shortly. I hope.

Door & rocker rust + Bondo IMG_4480.jpg
Unless you suspect corrosion underneath, taking it down to bare metal isn't really necessary. If you can feel confident that you have a good base that's the most important thing. If you need to take it to bare metal to sleep at night then that's not arguable, and when there are multiple layers, and signs of filler, taking it all the way down is the only thing left to do.

There's been many many times that I find filler on a car and was completely surprised by it. If the body guy is good, filler isn't a bad thing.
Grinding a dent on a panel down to metal is the only way to get the nail gun studs to stick to the metal if one tries to straighten the dent.
IMHO The difference between a good body man and a great body man in is that extra 5 minutes the great body man spends blocking the panel!
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IMHO The difference between a good body man and a great body man in is that extra 5 minutes the great body man spends blocking the panel!

Agreed. Since I buy cars for a living my eye always looks for signs of previous repair. I hate it. I can't turn it off so when I go to a car meet or see a friend's car my eye goes straight to the imperfections. I think this is why all of my cars are "drivers". They'll never be perfect so why try... and I can't afford to make them perfect. LOL
I've learnt to keep my mouth shut specially with people I know when they Think Core Support replaced car they own has a clean Carfax!
Not sure it is an treat to add a photo to this thread. But I was just "playing with" my coupe and a big chunk of bondo popped off. I've always suspected there is some history/damage on the aft side of this car. Here's better than a 1/4" of proof. More like 5/16" (almost 8 mm). :(
20180322-really thick bondo.jpg
Paint shop called to ask for inspection today before primer...


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