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The switches on the console and rear are not working, however if I connect directly by the doors they work. Trying to figure this out has been quite a pain. I checked all fuses and they are fine. it appears I lost power from the fuse to the switches at the console. I checked all associated grounds but still no current at the switches. Any advice will be appreciated.
Some cars have a push button breaker that pops when there is
over current in the path. Sounds like the best explanation if you have it.

Ground is not routed through the switches, so it has to be the 12V
not making it there.
there is definitely no 12v getting there when tested. Where would the pushbutton breaker be?
I am not sure where it is because mine doesn't have it. A 77 E24 I owned
had the breaker on the kick panel (The fog light switch area or further
If you send me an message with your email I can forward you a PDF schematic of the car wiring.

The window motors are tied in to power through fuses 8 and 9. The right side is supposed to be fuse 8 and the left is fuse 9. If neither side is working the problem is further upstream.

Fuses 8 and 9 are powered from a "Load Shed Relay" with is a standard 4 pin relay (probably a simple box relay); I wish I could tell you the exact location. However you should be able to find a Red/Green stripe wire on fuse 8 or 9; this wire will lead to the load shed relay. Alternately, you should be able to find this relay because it is one of just a few things connect directly to the battery (red wires)

This relay provides power to the windows and, from what I can see, it is itself energized when fuse 6 becomes active (12v). Since most things in the car are enabled through the fuse 6 path I suspect your load shed relay is bad or the wiring to it is bad.

If it turns out to be the relay it is a really simple SPST type. I suspect you can find one at any parts store.