Worn Aluminum trim


Well-Known Member
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Gladwyne, PA
I am refurbishing a '72 Bavaria and all the aluminum trim around the glass is quite faded. I went to the Atlantic City Classic Car Auction a couple of weeks ago and I am kicking myself at not buying a metal polish from one of those 'flea market hucksters' who was polishing the bottoms of aluminum soda cans to a high luster. They came out really good but I was not sure if my trim was too far gone so I passed.

Anybody have success is renewing the trim? Any tips? I think Bav Autosport sells a kit but not sure of the results. I thought some have light sandded and polished but I forget.


Neal Friedant
'70 2800CS
'72 Bavaria
'73 2002
I have used the Bav Auto kit, they call it a aluminum deoxidizer. I think its about $60.00 and will take care of the whole car. The best results are when the trim is completly removed from the car.
The huckster was probably selling Wenol, which is a great product, and available through non-huckster sources.

All the window trim is anodized. It won't polish completely unless the anodizing is removed. You can sand it off with a fine grit wet/dry paper, and a lot of patience. Once you remove the anodizing and polish the aluminum, you'll need to do something to keep the shine -- either polish it regularly, or apply clear paint. The risk with paint is some types yellow, so you end up back where you started...