WTB csl black headliner


Well-Known Member
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kent, england
Hi all, I originally posted this in restoration, but no answers so maybe better here...
Anyone know where I can source, close to original for postage to uk ?
Thanks for assistance.
The closest you can get to the Csl black headliner is from SMS Autofabrics in the US. A workable alternate. You won’t find it on theIr website, write them directly and ask for a sample. Width is 50”
1st pic is original headliner
2nd pic is of the sample they sent me.
[SMS Phone# +1 503 263 3535 or email them directly at [email protected]]


glad you posted both Keshav, seems to me the only way to really tell is to see them side by side, which will never happen. i thought about changing my coupe to a black headliner to go with the scheel interior + black door panels. this might push me over the edge.
glad you posted both Keshav, seems to me the only way to really tell is to see them side by side, which will never happen. i thought about changing my coupe to a black headliner to go with the scheel interior + black door panels. this might push me over the edge.

Go for it, I regret I didn't put a black headliner in mine.
glad you posted both Keshav, seems to me the only way to really tell is to see them side by side, which will never happen. i thought about changing my coupe to a black headliner to go with the scheel interior + black door panels. this might push me over the edge.

Put it this way Scott, with Scheels‘ and black door cards, black headliner would match more than white would....just an opinion. If black headliner, then SMS is the best choice out there. If I recall, SMS made it based on a sample from @craterface
glad you posted both Keshav, seems to me the only way to really tell is to see them side by side, which will never happen. i thought about changing my coupe to a black headliner to go with the scheel interior + black door panels. this might push me over the edge.

If it helps, I can compare the SMS black material. I have a loose genuine CSL headliner (not for sale). So I can get as many up-close pics as needed with good lighting.

From what I recall, the SMS stuff is fabric backed and much thicker. The pattern is a lower resolution, like an old mold of the original. I did a comparison on the white fabric already, and posted the pics here.

Also, I’m one day’s snail mail away from SMS if you want them to mail be a sample.

If it helps, I can compare the SMS black material. I have a loose genuine CSL headliner (not for sale). So I can get as many up-close pics as needed with good lighting.

From what I recall, the SMS stuff is fabric backed and much thicker. The pattern is a lower resolution, like an old mold of the original. I did a comparison on the white fabric already, and posted the pics here.

Also, I’m one day’s snail mail away from SMS if you want them to mail be a sample.

There is no doubt that neither SMS nor any other manufacturer has a perfect copy of the original. For all practical purposes, what does one use when in need or want? For lack of good alternatives, SMS is the best and workable choice that I’ve come across. Compared to white headliner, I believe black forgives more in the overall appearance.
There is no doubt that neither SMS nor any other manufacturer has a perfect copy of the original. For all practical purposes, what does one use when in need or want? For lack of good alternatives, SMS is the best and workable choice that I’ve come across. Compared to white headliner, I believe black forgives more in the overall appearance.

Oh I totally agree - just trying to set expectations before anyone mails any samples. Would be great to compare. The what one looked fine, its just reportedly a little more difficult to work with due to the thickness.
SMS happily sends samples and your view will certainly help prospective buyers in making a qualified decision. Infact it would be of great help to have a factual opinion in direct comparison with an original. If you call them, speak to Leslie and maybe she can send you a larger sample that the 3sq inch sample they mail out.
FWIW, I used SMS for my white headliner while I maintained my front molded portion of the headliner. If you know and look, you see a difference but you have to look. SMS grain is similar, perforations are smaller and not through and through. WRT thickness, the person who cut and helped install mine said it was a routine thickness. I actually asked since I told him others have felt it was a bit thick.
Markos, yes please. i have a very decent headliner that i could use to have a new one made. i could always repaint my visors and the molded panel. black interior + headliner with a ceylon car would look quite nice
Markos, yes please. i have a very decent headliner that i could use to have a new one made. i could always repaint my visors and the molded panel. black interior + headliner with a ceylon car would look quite nice

I have a white headliner from my CS that could be painted black also.
Are your pillar covers black also? If so, would you make them white for contrast?