Yours should be original with the valves on top. There is a way to shut off the system via these valves and check the oil. The procedure is outlined in the Bluebook repair manual.
You will loose some charge; but not a lot. The oil is specific to R12.
Mine's original and still humms. I did redo the bracket which has isolator bushings which is the normal complaint of rattling on the front from the a/c. The old CS registry site had a faq fix. Worked for me.
Grab the compressor and try to shake it away from the block; large screw driver helps. If the compressor can be moved axially from the mount, it's time to address the bushes.( Kinda like the old alternator bushes but have rubber inside another bush. The rubber turns loose.
Honestly, if your compressor is sounding and acting normal- the oil is probably ok unless the front seal/ clutch is acting funny.
p.s. A cheap stick thermometer from the local Ace/ Depot( Good excuse to get that fancy infra red jobbie when the wife sees the AMX) - windows open, a/c on full blast, stick the thermometer in the vent and read the temp. If 38 to 42 degrees- all is good. Be careful when charging; the last 6 oz make a big difference in temps and it comes on fast. In other words go slow and let the system equalize.