My Baby is done... Thanks for all your help!!!!


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Seattle, WA
You’re funny, in a sad kind of way.
How do you say english
I should have called sooner.
Should I have called sooner?

You should probably lock this thread before anything bad happen.

Well I’m not trying to be funny or pathetic. You are entitled to your own opinion. You can call shop owners to tattle on members also. I can formulate an opinion on that type of behavior. Other members can determine who is funny in a sad kind of way.

Carry on. No need to lock every thread started by @scottevest.

BTW Scott - That ”vinyl thing” in the trunk is called a caddy. :D


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Ketchum, Idaho
You’re funny, in a sad kind of way.
How do you say english
I should have called sooner.
Should I have called sooner?

You should probably lock this thread before anything bad happen.
Here we go again….
should be picking up my car today. Excited.


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Saint Augustine, FL
"Here we go again..."

Indeed. Again has been perpetuated by you, Scott but, you won't see it that way.

I don't begrudge Scott or his love for E9s. I also think this forum has been beyond patient with Scott.

What hasn't Changed?
  1. Benny still has troubles addressing (sometimes common) issues with E9s
  2. Scott posts his content here and on other social media sites, sometimes reposting the same pictures from months/years ago
  3. Scott sure has a hankering for the video camera
  4. Scott attacks the poster if someone calls him out or makes constructive suggestions on how to change his repeated annoying behavior
  5. Listening in general and especially to behavioral feedback seems to not be a Scott "core competency"
All that said, I think the forum has been beyond patient with Scott. IMO, this thread is far past its usefulness and that doesn't include the multi page one before this one where Scott said he would not post again when he received similar feedback and yet, started this one within days of the prior one ending.

There is no doubt that Scott loves his car, especially as evidenced by the moniker mounted on the front of it for all to see. I give him lots of credit for driving his car for what appears to be 12 months per year even in snow! Good for him. I hope he is able to resolve the remaining issues. It seems like he's down to a short punch list though be advised there is always a list with 50 year old cars!


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Ketchum, Idaho
Just picked up MY Baby. Looks AWESOME! Brought it to Benny to check out and he agrees. Looking forward to driving it all winter! Thanks all for following my adventures.
Have a great weekend everyone!

BTW, I just found the "Ignore" button. So much happier! Wish I found this earlier.


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Milwaukee, WI
Just picked up MY Baby. Looks AWESOME! Brought it to Benny to check out and he agrees. Looking forward to driving it all winter! Thanks all for following my adventures.
Have a great weekend everyone!

BTW, I just found the "Ignore" button. So much happier! Wish I found this earlier.
If you're going to ignore good advice, why not just not post?


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Cupertino, CA
We have an undercurrent here that views posting in multiple E9 social media platforms as po·lyg·a·mous
(pronounce: /pəˈliɡəməs/)

and just like in marriage polygamy in the sin is the penitence :).


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Seattle, WA
Put the pitchforks away folks. There is an ignore button on the forum. @scottevest knows how to use it. I suggest that you all do the same if you can’t handle this thread or the author.

I’ll make it easy for you - click here:

Now, can we please get back to discussing the important stuff? We would like @aearch to refrain from using CAPS Lock. @deQuincey needs to post FS prices. @enoz05 need to own an e9 and sell less stuff even though we buy it. @Markos needs to stop deleting overtly political posts even though we aren’t supposed to post it. If anyone else has any dead horses to contribute please chime in!


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Tasmania, Australia
Put the pitchforks away folks. There is an ignore button on the forum. @scottevest knows how to use it. I suggest that you all do the same if you can’t handle this thread or the author.

I’ll make it easy for you - click here:

Now, can we please get back to discussing the important stuff? We would like @aearch to refrain from using CAPS Lock. @deQuincey needs to post FS prices. @enoz05 need to own an e9 and sell less stuff even though we buy it. @Markos needs to stop deleting overtly political posts even though we aren’t supposed to post it. If anyone else has any dead horses to contribute please chime in!

@sfdon and @Gazz need to stop being so enigmatic :D


aka "Rob"
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Tacoma, WA, USA
SHe looks great Scott! Wish my E9 was black and in such nice condition.

One day when things calm down.

That black beauty that Benny is currently working on is going to be incredible! My only nit would be that I think a front spoiler will top things off perfectly.


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Elkhart, IN
I love this group… the good, the bad, and the ugly….. we need them all. I learn from the good and even the bad and ugly. I make mistakes a lot, and there is learning in that as well. Never got real mad at any of my guys working that made mistakes, at least they were doing something. Only way to avoid mistakes is to do nothing.


Well-Known Member
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Ketchum, Idaho
We have an undercurrent here that views posting in multiple E9 social media platforms as po·lyg·a·mous
(pronounce: /pəˈliɡəməs/)

and just like in marriage polygamy in the sin is the penitence :).
Not sure I understand why people care if I post things to FB. It's a friendly group over there. Why does it matter? I am an over-sharer -duh, and don't see this as a problem. I value the advice from this forum much more, but like to share on FB as there are zero haters over there, and just sharing for sharing sake, not so much looking for advice. In this case, I am primarily documenting my body work, and not looking so much for advice generally, but always appreciate it and will continue to ask from time to time. BTW, I feel that by being as transparent with all my costs etc. can be helpful to others that want to know what may be involved with refurbishing and maintaining MY BABY w/o being mechanically inclined in a remote location with not many/anyone really capable. I think there are lots more people like me out there.

My remaining and never ending list on MY Baby is now:
  • fix eBrake. Advice has been given multiple times, just need to order the cables, etc. If you have input where best to order, let me know.
  • some very minor stuff, e.g. getting seatbelt to retract properly - again advice given, just need to roll up my sleeves, get headrests to go up/down (not sure if worth the effort), try to get a/b switch to get Becker to operate if/when I want, but happy with bluetooth via iPhone for now. Get antenna to operate, but again not sure worthwhile if only listening to bluetooth via iPhone
  • get engine bay looking as good as exterior. Not sure if this is worth the $$$. Will probably wait until frame off in 10 years or whenever.
  • put horns on back under bumper, but not sure worthwhile as I prefer look w/o horns
  • get carbs tuned next time I am in SF with Bill Arnold, but seems to be running fine
  • sort out the alternator light issues. I bought the amp/voltage measuring devices but haven't figure it out yet. I'm sure it's simple. Watched some Youtube videos, but didn't work on first effort. Will try later. Car runs fine and light goes off when warmed up.
  • some other very minor things, but not worth mentioning.
Again, THANKS SO MUCH for following, and please ignore or mute if you choose. I know I have. I follow the Golden Rule, and like to engage with others that do the same.

I'm off to drive MY BABY now.