LA Bav Driver: Best offer

This car is I believe an Si - I actually talked to the owner months ago. He told me it's not really for sale, and that he posts it to make his wife believe he's selling it. But maybe it's really for sale this time?? lol
My wife wouldn't want that in front of our house either! I wonder if the rag that covers the license plate is included in the sales price? I never get that one, in CA you can't search for info from the DMV, it's private.
don't you need bumpers in CA?

Don't need bumpers, don't need fenders, don't need WW wipers. As long as you have insurance and a bi-annual smog cert for post-'75 cars, you're good.

No bumpers, wipers....

For a highly regulated state like CA, that amazes me.
I would have thought they would require everything!
My wife wouldn't want that in front of our house either! I wonder if the rag that covers the license plate is included in the sales price? I never get that one, in CA you can't search for info from the DMV, it's private.

Chris I always thought the same thing about the license plates being covered up, until I got DMV access for both WI and IL!:razz:
What are the odds that this car will pass smog to transfer ownership legally? In Ca. it is the sellers responsibility to have passed smog within 90 days of the sale date.