Craigslist BMW Finds:

Brandon at Terry Sayther's drove a 502 to today's monthly luncheon, a very "animated" automobile I think, The grill looks like it came right out of the movie "Cars", or vice-versa.
Always love the Baroque Angels. The gentle curve of the narrow grill and hood and the fender mirrors look terrific to me. Could we see some interior photos?
I doubt the headrests came from the factory.
Certainly looks a lot like it.
I'd imagine it was probably almost impossible to sell German cars in the UK post 1945 for a while.

How about this sled for Christmas?

Factory 5 speed and LSD... add a turbo and go eat some AMG's lunch

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How has this sled for Christmas?

Factory 5 speed and LSD... add a turbo and go eat some AMG's lunch

I was just telling someone yesterday how pretty I find the e32. A 1988 e32 is the first BMW that chrome bumpers that weren’t diving board bumpers while steel meeting US requirements. I think that the design has lasted quite well for this car. More so than the e34. This car is 30 years old!!!
I think Bristol licensed the cars from BMW

Short story: after WWII the Russians stole the plant and the British stole the design. Imagine if the Chinese were there to get a piece of the action...

"In the east, the company's factory at Eisenach was taken over by the Soviet Awtowelo group. Production of the R35 motorcycle was restarted in 1945, with the 321 automobile following late that year. A mildly revised 327 entered production in 1948, followed by the 326-based 340 in 1949. These were sold under the BMW name with the BMW logo affixed to them. To protect its trademarks, BMW AG legally severed its Eisenach branch from the company. Awtowelo continued production of the 327 and 340 under the Eisenacher Motorenwerk (EMW) brand with a red and white version of the logo until 1955."

"In the west, the Bristol Aeroplane Company (BAC) inspected the factory, and returned to Britain with plans for the 327 model and the six-cylinder engine as official war reparations. Bristol then employed BMW engineer Fritz Fiedler to lead their engine development team. In 1947, the newly formed Bristol Cars released their 400 coupé, a lengthened version of the BMW 327. that featured BMW's double-kidney grille."
....and let's see how that phone call would go: "Yeah, who's this?" I am calling in regards to the ad you posted "oh, yeah, what do you have?" Well, it's a 1974 Alfa GTV with a rebuil.."whatever you want, it's too much. Those cars are weak right now. I can send my guy with a truck and cash tomorrow, you have clean papers?" Don't you want to know about it? "If it's nice, I'll give you six grand, that's it. Like I already told you........" It's interesting that the guy knows about the web on which to post his ad but he doesn't know that the same web has many thousands of cars that are exactly what he is looking for!!!!! Someone should tell him and get his reward of "up to" five grand of which twenty eight cents qualifies for "up to". Slick dude.
I converted my 74' Plymouth Valiant to a camper. Took the back seat out and had my feet in the trunk. Had a foam mattress and hooked up a choke cable to pop the trunk if I had to get out fast. Used it once, and am damn lucky I wasn't killed. The plan was to sleep in it while holed up at ski hills. First and last time I tried it was at Mont Tremblant, Quebec. Probably the coldest ski hill on Earth. It was at least minus 25C out. I had a small propane heater and a good sleeping bag. As I bunked down, I was wondering if I was falling asleep or succumbing to fumes. Woke up around 4 AM with the heater running out of propane. When the sun finally came up, the whole car was covered with Ice inside. Solid frost and ice on every surface. I made toast on the propane burner and sat in the restaurant in a stupor once it opened. Wonder what fun was had in that E30?