Seattle way of life


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Ketchum Idaho-Phoenix AZ
A good friend and fellow BMW race car driver had his car repair shop broken into last night. Responding to the alarm, he and his son drove to the shop, placing a 911 call along the way.
They encountered the thug inside the shop, as he was about to torch the place. They held the thug till the police showed up. The police never arrived. In the news today, the Chief of Police was asked about this. Her response? They didn’t have his current contact info....Wait, what?
By the way, the shop, two blocks outside the captured Capital Hill district.


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Rocklin, CA
We had a few kids (train riders) break into a house on our commercial property when I was cleaning up the whole place. It was vacant and they didn't do any damage, but I caught them leaving when they saw me. I chased them down the street until they jumped over the fence to the railyard. They yelled at me through the fence to call the police and I told them we don't call the police and handle things ourselves. I invited them to come back and let's see what happens and they walked off. I would've never hurt anyone but I wanted them to leave and think twice about coming back another time. Fortunately we don't any trouble anymore.

Mike Goble

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Fairfield, CA
Antifa is the definition of cutting the nose off to spite the face. Absurd. Founding fathers weren't stupid coming up with the 2nd amendment. I don't own a gun but am reconsidering my position on that.

That was an interesting leap from thug to antifa...



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Boston, Ma
You can't have it both ways, quantum leaps and assumptions abound on both sides. As a scientist, I hate all of it. No data is ever presented or it is but numerous flaws potentially exist in obtaining it that are not revealed. Simple example is use of percentages. 100% increase means what, 1 to 2 or 10,000 to 20,000. While I am at it, the media loves the dramatic term " tens of thousands". What does that mean, 10,000 or 99,000?


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Rocklin, CA
They encountered the thug inside the shop, as he was about to torch the place.
I'm curious how they knew he was going to torch the place? Had he spilled fuel around the shop or something obvious? I'm only asking because there hasn't been much "torching" in the Seattle area as far as I know. Break ins yes.
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San Juan Capistrano, Ca.


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Ketchum Idaho-Phoenix AZ
Antifa is the definition of cutting the nose off to spite the face. Absurd. Founding fathers weren't stupid coming up with the 2nd amendment. I don't own a gun but am reconsidering my position on that.
Response time of the police dictates to me the need to protect my family. Whether in the city or
That was an interesting leap from thug to antifa...

Antifa is the definition of cutting the nose off to spite the face. Absurd. Founding fathers weren't stupid coming up with the 2nd amendment. I don't own a gun but am reconsidering my position on that.
If we lived in Mayberry and had Sheriff Taylor and deputy Fife as neighbors, there would no need. But, alas....These are different times, sad to say.
Yes, it was John’s shop.


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Ketchum Idaho-Phoenix AZ
I'm curious how they knew he was going to torch the place? Had he spilled fuel around the shop or something obvious? I'm only asking because there hasn't been much "torching" in the Seattle area as far as I know. Break ins yes.
Don’t know John to exaggerate.


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Ketchum Idaho-Phoenix AZ

Mike Goble

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Fairfield, CA
Anyone seen the footage from nearby Coeur D'Alene Idaho? They are ready for any social deviants thinking about messing with their local businesses. Going to be a summer to watch your stuff and keep your head low

Better watch out,
Better not cry,
Better not pout,
I'm telling you why.
Antifa is coming to town.

They're making a list,
and checking it twice,
gonna find out who's Nazi and nice.
Antifa is coming to town.

They know if you're a fascist.
They know if Trump's your guy.
You better get Ol' Betsy out
'cause you're surely gonna die...
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Portland OR
The locals are way better armed then the Anti-Facists (Antifa). I'll bet not one owns an AK47. I'm sure the 2nd amendment true believers have no problem with Antifa and BLM members arming themselves to combat a tyrannical government because that's what they say the second amendment allows.
If the vast majority of police don't mistreat (sometimes murder) people based on the color of their skin and it's only a few "bad apples", the same can be said about the protesters.
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Seattle, WA
On the subject of armed locals, full video of the incident mentioned here. Cool heads on all sides.



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Seattle, WA
Sucks about his shop. I'm glad that nobody was hurt, and that the owners of the vehicles and the shop have insurance. If I was a customer of his, I would have had my car towed from the shop in May. It has been almost a month since George Floyd was killed, with no sign of protesters standing down.

Anyone seen the footage from nearby Coeur D'Alene Idaho? They are ready for any social deviants thinking about messing with their local businesses. Going to be a summer to watch your stuff and keep your head low

Frankly, I am thoroughly unimpressed by <insert term> locals armed to the teeth with high capacity rifles to prevent a threat that will never arrive (from the people they fear and/or hate). The black population in Idaho is half of 1%. The overall white population in Idaho is 91%. Go to any of these newspaper-attention-grabbing small towns and you will see more armed guards sporting Dixie flags than brown or black faces. I'm not putting down Idaho. You will find the same thing in Washington within 45 minutes of downtown Seattle. Some people look to these towns standing together as a shinging example of solidarity. All I see is 'Murica

Before anyone sizes me up as a typical Seattlelite - I'm not opposed to firearms of a 'reasonable capacity', even if they are tactical-black and have lights, lasers and composite stocks. I myself have gotten the barrel hot on a Kalashnikov, but would gladly see it banned. I'm not pro-antifi. I am against labeling all acts of civil disobedience that angers white suburbanites as an antifa-organized event. I am anti-stupidity. It pains me that this country has been divided into deep state fearing guard-the-border militia and far left wingnuts. Somewhere in the middle you will find most of America, including those that are out protesting today. It is really easy to lump protesters into a certain group, but it has been my experience that the diversity of those participating in recent events is vast.


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NorCal, CA
Well said Markos.
Sucks about his shop. I'm glad that nobody was hurt, and that the owners of the vehicles and the shop have insurance. If I was a customer of his, I would have had my car towed from the shop in May. It has been almost a month since George Floyd was killed, with no sign of protesters standing down.

Frankly, I am thoroughly unimpressed by <insert term> locals armed to the teeth with high capacity rifles to prevent a threat that will never arrive (from the people they fear and/or hate). The black population in Idaho is half of 1%. The overall white population in Idaho is 91%. Go to any of these newspaper-attention-grabbing small towns and you will see more armed guards sporting Dixie flags than brown or black faces. I'm not putting down Idaho. You will find the same thing in Washington within 45 minutes of downtown Seattle. Some people look to these towns standing together as a shinging example of solidarity. All I see is 'Murica

Before anyone sizes me up as a typical Seattlelite - I'm not opposed to firearms of a 'reasonable capacity', even if they are tactical-black and have lights, lasers and composite stocks. I myself have gotten the barrel hot on a Kalashnikov, but would gladly see it banned. I'm not pro-antifi. I am against labeling all acts of civil disobedience that angers white suburbanites as an antifa-organized event. I am anti-stupidity. It pains me that this country has been divided into deep state fearing guard-the-border militia and far left wingnuts. Somewhere in the middle you will find most of America, including those that are out protesting today. It is really easy to lump protesters into a certain group, but it has been my experience that the diversity of those participating in recent events is vast.

This seems like a well reasoned comment. The majority of Americans are not extremists. Unfortunately, many have begun to reflexively react to one another based on extremely polarized positions that are promoted by people who don't represent their interests. Liberalism in the classical sense is sadly diminished by those who would attempt to associate it with totalitarian communism. The characterization of criminality with anti-fascism is one that many conservative members of the greatest generation would likely take issue with. Criminal behavior is just that, and typically exists outside of the realm of politics. This forum seems to likewise usually benefit from a lack of political commentary. Perhaps it would continue to be best served if other forums were the outlet for political discourse. It is certainly available elsewhere.


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Anyone seen the footage from nearby Coeur D'Alene Idaho? They are ready for any social deviants thinking about messing with their local businesses. Going to be a summer to watch your stuff and keep your head low

This crap scares me and I am a Marine. If something sets one of these jokers off, and believe me, much of that crowd is itching for something to happen, there is going to be an all out battle on that street. No one will know who is shooting or at what. I used to think that we fought overseas so that our streets don’t have to look like Kabul, or Fallujah, or Hue City. Now look at us. These yahoos worry me more than any opportunistic looters, vandals, or even arsonists.