137th Built 1971 3.0CSI BMW

Go for it jranmann...there are talkers and there are doers. Lets start doing and buy the car so you can really feel our pain when things go wrong instead of just talking about it as a third party. Do it jaranmann do it!!!! Do it before we get too old... or better yet before these cars rusts as you wait.

Is it possible to upgrade a regular 2800 cs with a 3.3 motor?
The seller of my coupe tells me they did that upgrade to the car I´m picking up tomorrow at the mex-usa border

is that posible?

So sorry to you and your family. Yours appears to be a rare find as you say, enviromental regs prevent the process you used to make a good shell. A friend in Vancouver finished building a shell using two cars. 500 + hrs of body man $$ for just the basic shell. Break out your calculators boys...and with all the additional work you have done and parts, parts, parts, well, you are sure to find a sensible buyer. A couple of good bumps in gear with the clutch partially depressed should free the clutch... Sorry to state the obvious! I wish you the best of luck for
the New Year.
Al in Comox

Thanks Al, it’s appreciated about my wife we were together for 40 years. And nice to see someone who knows how much hands-on-time goes into authentic CS restoration most just try running the price down on a car like this. Restoration especially when doing it for yourself is hard you are your own judge. You do your best to make it perfect work and new parts, parts and more parts that keep going on the car. It’s hard to count the hours of work when they go on and on for years of part time work. Although that’s what it takes or like I see in my area after the fire we had last year here in Santa Barbara CA, contractors building new houses on top of 50-year-old termite foundations. Believe me a termite foundation is easier to fix than a rusted car and the only thing that can stop rust is a tank drop in acid for over a week. Or to your surprise soon the bubbles of rust just keeps eating through those expensive paint jobs now days like the “ RUST PLAGUE MONSTER”.

And about the clutch if stuck the problem is until the motor is run and now all 4 tires are on the ground just need space to lightly pop the clutch as you simply suggested, “right now it's a no can do”.

Check out the fire below in the attachment they almost lost the city of Santa Barbara CA. last year. I had to go the back way around the fire people to get my Euro 635csi out of a garage there; damn scary fire was 150 feet away when I got there.

Also I am not trying to sound disrespectful although isn’t there a “NO HIJACKING” a subject on this forum, its happened many times on this thread already, just thought I would ask?


  • fire.jpg
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For those of you that have send a PM I have now answered your questions to the best of my knowledge....

Sincere apologies Ladies for digressing into the Sport Stadium memorabilia category...

I plan to go back up to visit Bob (heck of a nice guy!) once he has the time to get the car in more presentable shape and out of the Garage...My personal feeling is that if one is to spend Bob's bottom line price of Thirty-Five Thousand dollars, then give the guy a chance to make it nice nice for all of us and the pics will follow.

Since I personally made the effort Sunday (and you all... what? watched Football or changed your oil?) i've now returned only to discover my reference to Dodgy (above) has evidely angered some of the more single minded among us.... Evidently there's a rumor afoot that since I am somewhat choosey about my purchase that somehow I not only am un-initiated or unfamiliar with in the particulars of Vintage BMW's...but I should rush into a purchase to satisfy you all that I am miserable enough car wise?

For those of you that don't know, and for reference purposes I personally chose, own and drive an e24 (24 years ago now) that's more than enough of a challenge...work, toil and in every way just as difficult to keep up with as a solid e9...perhaps in many ways for even more demanding as unlike many e9 owners, others admire my car when OMG...I drive it...alot.

Bob can attest to it's condition (and I wish he would) as he (in his own words) says he likes the Sixers more than the e9's (for good solid reasons) and has a nice e12 Euro on tap to cure his itch anytime he feels like exceeding Mach 2... This is not to say that the beauty of the e9 chassis has ever been outdone but as most of you divorced ladies know, marriage is a bitch...(ie. Just how good does that dashing, handsome husband of yours look now ten years in?)

Since I drive my coupe 20,000+ miles a year, I am certainly no stranger to either the challenges that Karmann coach cars offer up to their owners, either restoration-wise, overhaul mechanicals or the simple maintenance and upkeep which is often very expensive and far from simple IMHO.

What I personally got out of the drive up the coast on Sunday was an good intermediate test of the $2,000+ worth of suspension upgrades that I have just completed...(it still needs a tweak or two but it's exhilarating to have the nimble handling and precise steering back in my hands...)

So if possible girls, let's ease up on the personal criticisms either of myself or others here that have a good smattering of intelligent humor and wit... My desire to be perfectly clear (if often wordy I realize) can be likened to the fact that piano's have 88 keys not 12. ... and exactly what else aside from words do we have here, as tools or method? Nada.

I wished to share my assessment of Bob's nice offering with you all... and took the drive to clear the thread (and my head) of listening further to idle speculation and incessant bickering back and forth about one vehicle's value over another.....or the cost of a paint job...for heaven's sake grow up!

Bob's CS example has very much potential and frankly it was no small effort on my part to meet Bob's tight schedule and I am sure his busy schedule (making Jet Ski parts in his well equipped garage) was somewhat interrupted as well by my visit...So for this, I thank him kindly for having me up... as he's has worked many hours on this car in order to take it to this point ....

I would thank the more verbal amongst you to follow the golden rule of text only posting..."Nothing constructive to say... then perhaps just say nothing?" .... and really, what's the harm anyway....of proving that some of us are intelligent enough to realize and communicate in ways other than grunts and uh huh's .... single minded car talk without color, context and pictures is just that... talk.
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On November 19th, 1863 Edward Everett's 13,000+ words oration lasted two hours and no one can remember who he was and what he said. To follow was one of history's finest and shortest examples of English oratory given by then President Lincoln at Gettysburg.
Some are trying to tell you something.....calling people girls and ladies, posting wrong pictures that creates misunderstanding, rambling on and on about non bmw related topics
can only add to confusion and misinterpretation.
It appears to me that at times this forum has become more about some individuals and less about our beloved E9s. I would personally like it if people would stay more focused on the E9...and less about themselves.
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Don't let your imagination run away with you now Abe...!

no one can remember who he was and what he said.

lol! I do!

The people of loyal America will never ask you, sir, to take to your confidence or admit again to a share in the government the hard-hearted men whose cruel lust of power has brought this desolating war upon the land, but there is no personal bitterness felt even against them. They may live, if they can bear to live after wantonly causing the death of so many thousands of their fellow-men; they may live in safe obscurity beneath the shelter of the government they have sought to overthrow, or they may fly to the protection of the governments of Europe, — some of them are already there, seeking, happily in vain, to obtain the aid of foreign powers in furtherance of their own treason. There let them stay. The humblest dead soldier, that lies cold and stiff in his grave before us, is an object of envy beneath the clods that cover him, in comparison with the living man, I care not with what trumpery credentials he may be furnished, who is willing to grovel at the foot of a foreign throne for assistance in compassing the ruin of his country.


Below is the only pic i've posted...my own unabashed (a labor of love?) detailed 'shopping' by compiling the coupe into the scene, note the reflections in the rear glass were the most difficult to acheive) That is, aside from the picture of the baseball stadium which being worthy architecture was and is greatly beloved and copied all over the country I might add...and relates precisely with my point to others. Beauty begets beauty, no matter the form Abe ...


Focus on your end as well Abe would allow you to avoid all unnecessary reading... but that will involve a bit of personal responsibility, discipline and yes even more work...So please show us something creative Abe....
Please why don't you it will do you good?....Coupe related of course...go for it!
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I'm with Abe 100%.

How can it take you so long to make a decision? A lot of analyzing with no commitment.

I knew I wanted a '72 or '73 CS; preferably in Fjord, had to be a manual with a sunroof. I set out to find the most rust free example I could find. After doing research and looking at 5 other coupes, I found mine in AZ and spent the next year or so restoring it. Now, over six years later, everytime I get in it the commitment pays off.

Your next post should be a picture of you new coupe.

Not to be too harsh but...

Put up or shut up.
I think everyone one on this forum mostly has something to add about the older BMW’s, just the interest is good enough for me. I have enjoyed talking to many BMW E9 enthuses from this forum myself. It’s just at times some get off the subject of the thread when they have no more info to add then it gets confusing to all. It’s pretty simple, because then know one learns anything about what they are here for E9 BMW information. The info people can learn on forums like this is not only in BMW books. The hands on repairs E9 enthuses do and the tools they use plus tools one creates to repair these E9 cars is something all car companies never talk about the subject of “restoration”.
I have volume 1 and 2 original BMW service manuals of my cars ($$$$) and a lot of the information I see now days even in books is not the same on many subjects.

Anyhow, I am just a guy on here looking for someone that understands what I am offering for sale. This 137th CSI is offered to the best offer a mention $35,000 bottom line is just what I feel is appropriate for all the work done on this car to this point, we shall see. I personal do not understand why or suggest to anyone ever to find one of the first 250 or any 3.0CSI BMW’s then do this kind of work 500 to 750 hours for less. This E9 car was appraised at $50,000 just bodywork to the point it is at now although no one will the ever see the $$$ for the time they put into that much work. There are many parts that come along with this car for the right price too. Many of you know what original OEM BMW parts go for even used like two doors, truck lid, two fenders, two sets of aluminum molding plus the original BMW service manuals plus more that go with this car for the right price.

As I said there is no set price for this car it is best offer and anyone interested in this car I am the person to talk to about it. I need no spokesman for whatever reason on this forum I am the person that found the car, owns the car and put in the years of time and money along with my personal skills to restore it and update it to where it is now.
Anyone that is “SERIOUS” about anything pertaining to this car and wants more info please contact me direct. Many of you have already and more are coming to see it soon>>>
Bob Morgan
[email protected]
I really hope you sell this car to someone who appreciates how costly a proper restoration is. I had mine restored and it cost alot! Your car looks like a great starting point....and I agree people should deal with you directly....
Not to be too harsh but...Put up or shut up.

Hey Vince...Patience Is a virtue and making a decision and how I make it or when I make it is really none of your concern, aside from your nosy need to be in other's business....But how nice of you to drop by!...And fortunate or not, you're going to get a picture of my Coupe, if you need it, fair enough and how about right now? OK?

Simply because it's not an e9 (and instead a later e24) means little when you've owned it for 24 years and as it relates to experience and BMW acumen...a few more than six years of my time have gone into keeping it in top shape and without deficit as far as I can tell...Four times as much time to be precise....Can the same be said for your efforts on your e9? and if so, let's please see it here, now or at least direct me to the Registry listing please so I can size up you by your car and not your character, looks, willingness to participate and help out or in this case your patience level which in fact is part of a good upbringing by your parents and elders... as I so negligently forgot today, here on this forum... one is measured strictly by their car and beloved better be one's attitude toward it...or else!


In any case....(and since you opened this up for discussion and it's now a topic Vince) ... harsh or not, it's the entire wording of your post... and has no e9 content whatsoever aside from massaging your own e9 ego... a fact that is apparent inherently and also so interests me that I just have to ask....

Please explain how I might be so bold as to bring that fact to light being told that I am full of ****...and somehow a novice such as yourself has the balls to add nothing but provocative remarks that you wouldn't say to my face if indeed you knew me, my cars or my contribution elsewhere...so let's see what you've done in six years....are you an artist, a rich slob or just plain stupid enough to venture out in defense of something that has been said, addressed and noted here and elsewhere already a done deal, muted and not all that relevant...But if you think you can disrespect me or my work or my character you have another gully to cross before you slither away...

In other words, why don't we take a look at your Coupe here on this thread, now...and then we can compare the work to mine (e24 but its similar enough) I will post pics of for you to evaluate at the very same time and then maybe we can become acquainted and you won't have to hold a grudge or live in fear of my calling you a schmuck or some such? OK?

Let's be men, honorable..and not a group of old ladies that talk but don't walk... as referred to earlier...fair enough?

and then...when and if it becomes a written rule that e9 ownership is a mandated requirement for posting or contributing here (something i've obviously got a bit more experience at than you given your post count) then I will take advice from the likes of you...one with an obvious disregard for other's feelings at the very least and likely were the fat bully in grade school simply because you had the advantage then....) ... also be sure not to downplay the fact that I am continually behind the scenes here and elsewhere locating those impossible to get cars and parts for others here free of charge just because i have time and resources to do so...others beside yourself are at the very least grateful for my contribution in kind...and as a last resort just suffer through it if you are not willing to show your work...i'll completely understand.
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In fact I have seen your dog and my respect for you is greatly increased as my dog and I are best of friends...I will send you a few pics PM unless you think it's OK to post non e9 items on your forum...My car I drive lots of miles each years and it's not a princess.... although she would like to be?

No worries...As they say one can't teach an old dog, by it's cover AND eat it too!

Sending a shot of my dog car e46 and my dog Ready, who's 16 now, perhaps a bit older than your companion...
(Chesapeake Retriever, it he?) See his jealous look as anyone dare approach his BMW domain....lol

What a poser eh?




Here you go;

http://s220.photobucket.com/albums/dd295/biology_book/The Coupe/?albumview=slideshow

http://s220.photobucket.com/albums/dd295/biology_book/M5 and Coupe/?albumview=slideshow

BTW, I took the whole thing apart and put it back together, the dash alone took me a couple of months. It's won several awards and I'm damn proud of it!

I'm sure you will respond with some less than favorable comments about the wheels, interior, etc...; just don't say anything about my dog.

(From jranman PM)

I like your six, the bbs rs rims look great on it. The paint on my car has held up well, I'm not a huge fan of light blue cars but I love that color on a coupe. Maybe it's because the CS I remember seeing (thirty years ago) was fjord.

Dog cars first! ha!...e24 pics follow just in case you get confused...Your car looks very nice! Fjord is a great looking color but in my experience it's very hard to maintain and dents easily and the UV light in CA kills it in four years...argh!

I painted my 2002 (twice) at great expense and then to avoid running over a girl that wasn't paying attention had to run it into a tree as the road was narrow and she was hogging it with her back to me... anyway insurance covered it...here's my pics...

I suppose we had better make up and not disrupt the flow ... like your attention to detail the CS Coupe....very nice work...and as harsh as this may sound... thanks for being a sport!

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What the hell?

Yeah, I get the, a forum is a forum is a forum stuff, but consider this guys...

If I were a perspective seller of a coupe, and I see all of this hissy-fit crap going on about a car for sale... he said he said... my dip stick is bigger than yours, why would I want to invite all of this on myself? If this is the way sellers are treated on this forum, you'll start to see fewer and fewer coupes for sale here.

The way I see it...

Bob: I haven't seen your car, but good luck with your sale. Sorry for the hijacked thread.

Ran: Your search for a coupe is your own. Do as you please, take as long as you'd like. If you decide to share your search on the forum, you're smart enough to know what that might bring in return.

Vince: Very nice car, and dog.

On an administrative note, I can split threads and move them. If this continues, I may consider moving the "hijacker and responses" to the Off Topic forum in the future (only because I have lots of extra time to baby-sit).

Ran: Your search for a coupe is your own. Do as you please, take as long as you'd like. If you decide to share your search on the forum, you're smart enough to know what that might bring in return.

Thanks Dan I took it off the board and Vince and I apparently were able to work out our misconceptions....the dogs were the key as dog persons understand about the little fits that can occur over food or territory.

Thanks for reading this and Bob says you called him to inquire re: Santa Barbara...That car is not for me but I am sure that there's one left out there that might meet my simple criteria below?

For anyone that wishes to hurry me along just help deliver me a car with rust resolved, painted the original color and as long as it's not BLUE I will consider paying top dollar...

Schwarz, Chamonix and Agave are top of the list and a CSi of course would be most desirable...don't dismiss my critieria that color and condition are right up there too in importance.

And thanks to all of you that have pointed me in the right direction....(Including you Dan) as it's greatly appreciated!


Thank You Dan it is appreciated.
And I would like to thank Randy for taking the many hours of time to come up and see my 3.0CSI no matter, I like showing this car.

All said and resolved now back to the subject at hand.

I have found it is hard for anyone to offer a price on this car when there is no starting-point. So to start any valid best offer over $25,000 for this genuine restored CSI I will consider the offer and again please SERIOUS BUYERS ONLY.

I have to say I am truly amazed how low these 35 to 40 year old CS-CSI BMW’s in good condition are priced at now days. Especially due to the low amount of production CS– CSI’s that were made in the 1970’s. And especially the about 5% genuine restored ones are price very low. Do not expect to see restoration done like on this CSI with the time and money it cost plus skills it takes why would anyone do it outside of for yourself.
These CS- CSI BMW’s are not coming back although one of the best looking European sports cars built in the 1970’s and sincerely real fun to drive? Over the years I have enjoyed many models of BMW’s all had their road time with me and were fun in their time, although the Euro CSI is the best IMO.

Recently I saw a 1965 Volkswagen van that was stolen turned up more than 30 years later in a Los Angeles auction and was sold to the highest bidder for more than $30,250.
Even one of the first cars I restored in my teens a 1965-70 Morris Minor’s are going for $30,000 on Hemmings and the American built 1970's Ford Mustang’s are going for $55,000 - $65,000. Has anyone ever checked out how many of these CS-CSI BMW’s were made?
There are many extra parts that come with this car for the right price or I will sell them separate. All original OEM BMW used parts as I have said before two doors, truck lid, two fenders, two sets of aluminum molding plus the original BMW service manuals plus more that go with this car for the right price.

Anyhow contact me Bob Morgan below if interested.
[email protected]