1973 3.0 CS in LA

I think that most transactions of this nature require being an honest broker on the part of the seller and a buyer who does his homework. I have bought and sold a coupe on the internet. In the case of my purchase, I got caught up in emotion, didn't have the coupe inspected, I put my faith in the seller's word, and; consequently, got burnt by a coupe that had a lot more issues than were advertised. I sold the same coupe a few years later after making some improvements on ebay. I explained in detail to all potential buyers the car's shortcomings; offered to the buyers the opportunity to speak with LaJolla Independent who knew the car very well, and eventually made a deal with a buyer who got a coupe at a fair price that I can sleep well at night was well represented.

Again if this car is well represented (I think he mentioned it was rust free) then we should be rooting for him to get $40K. If he is lying or is shilling his auction he should rot in hell, but that does not absolve the buyer's responsibility to informed.
I would love to see the E9s Skyrocket in Value for several reasons....

I would love to see the guy get $40K and watch the E9s skyrocket in Value for several reasons...

1. I own (4) E9s... figuring they are a better investment then the Stock Market or Vegas.

2. If the E9s were to jump in value that means more people are getting involved which means the price will continue to increase and people will be more interested in saving them. More like every other classic car.

3. More people with interest in saving them means there might be a market for aftermarket companies to produce restoration/reproduction parts.

4. More E9s around means more people see and want them and the supply/demand will help increase the market value.
Exactly... like early 911s, right execmalibu?- if only we could get some of that enthusiasm our E9s would be worth a whole lot more.
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A rising water floats all boats. With the 356 market hitting the sky, it saves all those presious little cars. As the market rises for our E9's, the quality of the restorations will increase. It's hard to justify spending TONS to do an interior right, paint a car properly taking careful attention to rust issues, go through it mechanically ( the right way ) while making sense of it financially. I threw all caution to the wind with my personal E9 but still couldn't justify spending what I really wanted with a top notch paint job to concours level. I also felt that if I did that, I'd be scared to drive it.
That being said, with rising prices on these incredibly undervalued and under appreciated cars, it will benifit us and the preservation of these cars. It will make sense to do the restoration and spend all the money.
The new Sports Car Market price guide recently came out and they show the E9's as a C grade investment with a top notch car being worth $16,500.
While I have a subscription to SCM and love the magazine, I couldn't disagree with them more. When was the last time the drove one that was restored to a very high quality. We all know here what we have if you own a good one. I have owned everythig and I mean everything. Porsche 959's , Carrera GT's, 550 Barchettas and Maranellos, 330 GTC' and 246 Dinos and on and on. My E 9 is one of my favortie cars of all time. I think as do most of you that it's only a matter of time before these cars are appreciated by the collectors and so called experts and prices go through the roof. We will see in our lifetime ( hopefully and God willing ) that even the rust buckets will be worth bring back from the dead like so many of the 356's.
It will happen. Mark my words.
The trick now is to find one that doesn't need a total restoration but can be brought to a very high standard. I am doing that with 6 E9's now so I put my money where my mouth is.
If anyone knows of any solid strong cars, I am a buyer and will take them to the highest level I can based on the car and the current economics of the market. By the way, I have sold several for over $40k already!
Jump on, the elevator is going UP!!!!