2025 Neue Klasse electric platform


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Port St Joe, Florida
I assume most on here aren’t fans of EVs, though I know from prior posts that some ARE fans. I saw this post and thought I’d share it. While I’m no longer a hater of the new BMW massive grill look, I much prefer this vintage looking narrow grill. And overall I think this design does harken back to the first neue klasse. Thoughts?

Dick Steinkamp

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Bellingham, WA
Gas powered cars get better fuel mileage on the highway than in town. EVs are the opposite. Aerodynamics are super important to EV highway range. The big grills just don't work on an EV if range is a factor.

Clearly the i7 was not a "clean sheet of paper" design, but likely the next gen 7 with electric power....

Screenshot 2023-02-19 at 1.49.58 PM.png

The 2025 NK sort of addresses the aero issue...

Screenshot 2023-02-19 at 1.52.47 PM.png

...but is not a very good looking car (IMO).


a.k.a Mike
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Los Altos Ca
Have nothing against EV just personally the design of these BMW do not appeal to my taste. As posted earlier wish they would come up with another name or if using the NK name at least have some resembles of of the NK design. I see no resemblance at all


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My opinion is that this country is not ready for a large input of electric vehicles and most likely won't be a at least ten years if not more.
At first all we heard how economical they would be and less repairs and less costly to repair. In the past few months most media has been the negative. The recent article I read was saying that they now believe that the annual cost comparison shows that the electric vehicles will cost more to maintain without even considering the purchase price. Toyotas CEO said the country can not manage a one option for vehicles. There has to be at least two options.
There are a few companies who are planning a couple already producing small much smaller vehicles that may be for customers looking for economy only, but I think that will be a very small percentage of Americans, and who knows how long these vehicles will last and what their reliability will be.
I believe there are only nine percent of electric vehicles and owners are waiting up to an hour for a charge. Electric suppliers are asking customers to use less electricity during peak hours, paying customers for using less. What happens to the supply when the demand is huge because of more electric vehicles. WHAT HAPPENS TO THE COST OF ELECTRIICITY ? What happens to the cost of home charging units as the demand increases? Most likely the average customer can not afford an electric vehicle, and than have to pay for a charging station.
Than let's talk financing the vehicle that the average customer will have to buy even though they can not afford it. Right now most car buyers who have to finance their new or used car purchase is financing an average of $25,000 to $35,000 for 84 months seven year loan. Will the banks offer a 120 months ten year loan? If they do will they be able to afford tires at 25,000 miles, less than a year and a half after their huge monthly payment which they most likely are barely able to afford. Is the Government trying to bankrupt the average people of this country of ours?
Lots to think about ! Does the average car buyer know that the states that have an excise tax the people using the ORIGINAL STICKER PRICE OF THE VEHICLE. In my state the excise tax value will never go below10% of the original price of the vehicle and multiply it by $25 per thousand. Let me explain. If you buy a vehicle in MA. that retails for $30,000 and keep it for 10 to 12 years your excise tax will still be $75 yearly and will never go below that amount even if the car is only worth $1000, which could be the case since we have no way of knowing the value of an electric car in 10 to 12 years.
I hope this wasn't too boring but it was just FOOD FOR THOUGHT>
Have a great evening.


a.k.a Mike
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Los Altos Ca
Not change the subject but what about Hydrogen cars? Me friend got one for a song because the Toyota dealership needed to get rid of it. He loves it!


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Port St Joe, Florida
I see no harkening to the NK.
If I would describe the design of say a 2002 to someone who has never seen one, I would probably mention a few key points. Boxy, flat sides, and the narrow front “face” that slants forward. To my eyes, this actually does fit those key elements, though it looks nothing like a 2002. Just my opinion, and I’m interested in opposing views.
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I wanna DRIVE!
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Aiken, SC
I too dislike the look of this new model. To me, the sharp angular lines in BMW's design language are not attractive. BMW rounded off the boxy shape of original NK and the 2002 in a way that made them much more attractive.


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Montreal Quebec
Much better design than the beaver tooth grill. Actually ANY design would be better, even the I 3, in my humble opinion. As for E cars and H cars, I bet that by 2035 you will need to verify gas station locations on trips the way you have to plot out charging stations today. In 1894 the number one urban problem in New York city was how to dispose of the approximately 100,000 tons of manure and 10 million gallons of urine produced by 150,000 horses used for transport. In 1908, Henry Ford began production of the Model T. By 1912, cars outnumbered the horses in New York city.. By the end of the First World War, the horses and the manure were history. https://99percentinvisible.org/arti...-urban-design-great-horse-manure-crisis-1894/.


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Cupertino, CA
Well Neue Klasse was new in 1962, by now it should be called Alt Klasse and leave room for NK as the name of any radical new fork, including EV. I like the blue car shown above.

Narrow grille (narrow horizontally) makes sense aesthetically, and because EVs presumably need less cooling airflow.
Narrow vertically runs into the stigma of looking like a Hitler moustache, and well all see car faces, don't we?

The identity of 70s BMWs, when I think about it, is low waistline with its incredible visibility. Give me that and it is a BMW. I think safety standards kind of killed that because glass in not as protective as steel, so maybe the innovation to go after is strong flexible glass. And glass does not rust.
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Christchurch New Zealand
I want more, much much more. Where is the imagination, the rigor, the stretching of the aesthetic, its a little bit too retro 80's, far too safe? Alfa Sud and 33 spring to mind.
There again, if I was to design it, it probably would resemble the love child of Fred Flintstones car and the Munster mobile.