'74 3.0 CSI FS on the Bird

interesting that it has plates from California but located in TX... though it might be a good one for CadillacGreen but could be a scam

A first post on Pelican to sell an E9... posted here by a first time poster? 13 years of ownership, in TX, California plates- I'm in.
Sorry for the lack of introduction with my first post. I have no affiliation with the sale and am skeptical of the ad myself and thought someone on one of the more informative E9 sites might know about this car. I'm a life long admirer of BMWs, especially E9s.
It looks nice from the photos and if someone here does not know the car or owner....then it's up to the would-be buyer to make contact and take it from there.

It's not a vicarious process...just simple steps until your goal is in sight.

Granatrot CSi

I believe the car is from the estate of the late Ed Ahl, an early coupe guy who always had his car at the coupefests in Monterey in the '80's and '90's. he died about 3 years ago and the car first came up for sale at a local LA specialty car retailer about a year ago after the estate settled. My son examined it about that time and found it loaded with lower body rust that is certainly not apparent in the pix.
I recall Ed had some family in Tx and that may be the '13 years of ownership' via a son or inlaw.
Vin is correct '75 CSi.

Not a bad car, lots of pluses. Examine it on a lift before you write a check though.

I think this is a scam...

The car was for sale last year and, as I recall, ended up on Ebay at one point. The Pelican Parts posting shows the email address as belonging to someone named Chris Auty in New Hampshire, not Ft. Worth, Texas.

If this is real, then the actual owner sure moved around a lot in the past year or so.

Posted on AACA forums also... all brand new user accounts...

Be careful people...
No, Chris is trying to contact him both on the thread and on the profile page of the member.
In our Registry from Nov 2013, seller was Westcoast Classics, 4340323. Another example of how adding VINs to the Registry can benefit our members.

I concur this could be a scam. Originally I spoke to the deceased's daughter who had just sold the car to a dealer. It was on their website for about 5 weeks. The pictures even look familiar. Cheers, Tim.
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I talked with West Coast Classics when this car was for sale in 2013. Some here on the forum mentioned that they saw the car parked on the road and drove by it daily for awhile. Either way, these photos are clearly from when the car was in CA. No palm trees like that in Fort Worth.

I am not saying this is a scam. Could very well be a family member is now selling the car. I'll try to find the thread from when it was for sale in 2013.
I think this is a scam...

If this is real, then the actual owner sure moved around a lot in the past year or so.

Consistent with the ad: "I always get out of it with a smile, and whenever I can, I take the long way home.."