announcing the coupe 'Ancestry' project

i just PM'd Dan - if you start a conversation with @dang and send him the information, he can get you set up. he has some things to work around and has the registration shut down.
The information for my car, 2270407, in the registry is pretty complete except for the location moves of the car. It was on the Big Island of Hawaii before the previous owner brought it to Maui where I purchased it. We moved to Austin and now NE Florida in the intervening decade. I have no idea how the car got to the middle of the Pacific.
Alvaro, right now, this work is US 2800cs, US 3.0cs, 3.0csi and 3.0CSL. once i get through this, then i will probably move into the 220, 221, 222, 223, 430, 4315, 432 cars
The information for my car, 2270407, in the registry is pretty complete except for the location moves of the car. It was on the Big Island of Hawaii before the previous owner brought it to Maui where I purchased it. We moved to Austin and now NE Florida in the intervening decade. I have no idea how the car got to the middle of the Pacific.
thanks, i got it.
a quick project update - i have been through the registry for 2800cs, 3.0csi, all the CSL and have started working on the 3.0cs (224x + 225x cars). i will tell you there is some info there, but for the most part, few names, few locations and no idea when the information was posted ... and no idea if they are still current.

so far
2800cs - 223 manual / 156 auto
3.0 CSi - 442 (226x cars) / 133 (434x cars) / 25 (435x cars)
3.0 CSL - 177 (both 2275x cars + 4345x cars) haven't counted the 221x cars

overall, pretty low percentage - that is 1156 cars with some form of record ... some of which are parts cars / gone forever (not inclusive of the 3.0cs or the euro 2800cs) - at this point, there are about 1000 224x / 225x cars with some info.

would like to here from people in one way or another (Privately or Publicly)
Like what you are doing here Scott.

i have a feeling there are a lot less of them around than we may all think. Particularly 2800’s which were lower production and not a big of splash than the 3.0’s and of course the rare rare cars… well that’s another story.
overall the numbers don't particularly agree with you - except US models. remember, the 2800cs was only made for about 2 years. the 3.0cs was made for 4 years
there were 1167 US 2800cs ... there were 8232 euro 2800cs = 9399 2800cs worldwide
there were 1713 US 3.0cs ... there were 6813 euro 3.0cs = 10848 3.0cs worldwide
the difference is 3.0csi - there were 8357 worldwide (inclusive of RHD)
Yes, I was referring to US only cars as that is your area of concentration. And Yes, there were far many more Euro cars than US obviously

Be an interesting to see how many Euro cars in the US but not sure how deep you are going with this project.
Yes, I was referring to US only cars as that is your area of concentration. And Yes, there were far many more Euro cars than US obviously

Be an interesting to see how many Euro cars in the US but not sure how deep you are going with this project.
i did the CSi ... i have a lot to do before i even think about taking on the huge pile of euro cars.