anyone affected by the fire in Boulder CO?


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Bahston (Boston)
My HS/college buddy just lost his house, his E9, his E3, my dad’s old Mercedes ( getting prepped for a buyer flying in on Friday),other vintage and modern Cars plus his family’s possessions in a forest fire north of Boulder, CO. Apparently they were close enough to where it started that they had virtually no warning. They looked out, saw smoke/flames, grabbed a few things and just jumped in a car to leave. He said he saw a neighbors house already ablaze as they high tailed it out of there.

Boulder Daily Camera

He is the one guy that first made me aware of BMW, with his E3, and then an E9.

Boy has this been a bad year. At times like this I remind myself to be grateful for what I have, be it my family, my job, my friends and etc. let’s all be glad that our E9 challenges are small compared to the real tragedy those Boulderitea are going thru.
as i remember, Coupeguy lives just north of there ... haven't kept up with the fires in that area, and i don't know exactly where he lives. hearing that somebody that @bfeng knows lost his e9 and e3 is heartbreaking. hope all in the west stay safe from all of the fires.
I heard Dan (coupe guy) is a solid 1/2 hour north of there these fires are raging. But I could be wrong. Makes me glad im
Surrounded by a couple acres of grass, have a big-ass well/pump
And a hydrant directly in front of my house.
the rate that these fires can move, 1/2 hour is nothing. the glass fire in Napa covered a lot of ground in a couple of days
My brother is going to school in Boulder. He sent some pics. Not good there for sure!

sorry to hear about the loss of his cars but glad he and his family is ok
Can s anything be salvaged house or others? I lost a house to fire October of 98
Very sad. Glad they got out. Stuff can be replaced.... people can’t.
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the rate that these fires can move, 1/2 hour is nothing. the glass fire in Napa covered a lot of ground in a couple of days
In Boulder wind gust of 40-50mph are common. Heard the wind is what made these Boulder fires really accelerate. Friend has insurance but as you know you that doesn’t replace family heirlooms and old photos.
agreed. Grew up in Denver metro area and started going to college in Boulder. In the Bay Area now and I miss the snow :(
i was listening to the news and i heard there was another fire, just west of Ft. Collins ... and that is the area that Coupeguy lives. hate to see an inka csl get damaged by fire.
Lucky son, one of the best places to live, if you can afford it.
Both of our sons went to college there. Our younger son stayed and is working at the American Homebrewers Association (which will hopefully stay intact). It’s a wonderful place to live and visit but it is God awful expensive.
~$600/sqft for a starter home.

But hard to pick a better place to live for young families and for outdoor living. Think what you’d pay for a 1400sqft house in LaJolla, Laguna Beach, Kensington (north of Berkeley, or Bellevue WA. Probably similar prices.
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as i remember, Coupeguy lives just north of there ... haven't kept up with the fires in that area, and i don't know exactly where he lives. hearing that somebody that @bfeng knows lost his e9 and e3 is heartbreaking. hope all in the west stay safe from all of the fires.

I have been in touch with Dan, Coupeguy. He is in the middle of the Cameron Peak Fire, which is a much larger fire north of Boulder and west of Ft Collins. We also have friends in the hills many miles west of Lyons also affected by that fire. The Cameron Peak Fire is the largest in Colorado history.
Both our friends and Dan had to evacuate with little warning also. The fire has been smoldering for months, but a dry spell and very high winds caused it to explode. Dan had no time to move his e9s and several other cars located in a steel building on his rural property, and he has no idea what may happen.

There is rain and snow and sub freezing weather expected this coming weekend and that may help. But it is not coming soon enough.

We are in Beaver Creek right now and we could see the smoke as we drove up from Denver. The entire sky north of Denver was smoky. The winds were blowing from west to east. Denver itself was fine and Summit and Eagle counties are fine right now. But 2020 is a sh**show.
Tha is for the update.
Terrible news.
I’m worried that these poor folk will face yet a new challenge with the insurance companies. How do you prove possession and value of a big stock pile of parts?

“Whadaya mean by Petri CSl with original hub?”

It has motivated me to rent space on a cloud server and to start photo-cataloging my old car stuff, artwork etc.

In our case, one of the car’s that perished with my friends house was a freshly restord Mercedes. I don’t think we have any photographic or written proof of the work done over tha last 2 months, amounting to a couple hundred hours and maybe $1000 in parts.
thanks for the update Scott ... hopefully the fire stays away / doesn't damage his house or cars.

@bfeng, i don't see anything with 'petri csi with original hub' in the thread ... i wouldn't want to deal with insurance companies on a big claim ... and just one CSL could be difficult, much less the other things lurking about.
The quote was my attempt to paraphrase what one of us might say to a home insurance agent who doesnt understand classic car part Hording.

I doubt I would get a fair settlement on my collection of 100 year old chisels or old car mascots and 60 year old Lotus race car parts.
Having experienced total structure and content loss myself..... I suggest video taping everything in every room and building occasionally. You will forget things otherwise. Furthermore structures are relatively easy to estimate rebuilding costs and figuring out insurance costs based on structure type. Most generally if you don’t specify policy limits for contents you can be on the short end of the stick very easily. Most home owners policies use a percentage (usually 40-60%) of the structures and improvements of the property to calculate contents policy limits. Ask me how I know????? When you stop adding contents because you are 500k over content policy limits you would understand. Bumping up contents coverage is relatively inexpensive. Would have rather not had the house fire but would have rather had the additional money available on contents.
You can’t profit from a loss but you also don’t have to lose.
Stay safe.... stuff can be replaced...people can’t ........
its easy to cover cars that you drive and have classic car insurance ... what about cars that you don't drive or aren't running. insurance is legalized gambling ... people often bet against something happening to a car in a locked garage, warehouse, barn or something else ... by not insuring them. @bfeng, you have a great example of valuing coupe car parts. how would you insure Lotus race car parts. i think about insuring my wine collection within the value of the house contents.