Anyone else have trouble reinstalling the under dash panel?

Since there is supposedly no such thing as a stupid question... Did you try inserting the bottom of the panel into desired position first and then pushing up panel's top-side into place?
Since there is supposedly no such thing as a stupid question... Did you try inserting the bottom of the panel into desired position first and then pushing up panel's top-side into place?
No stupid question, especially when trying to demystify such an odd issue.
But, yes I most definitely did try that as well
Last guess from here -
Look at Eric's pic and yours... his panel's mounting tab is secured at his center console's side panel and only a little of the HVAC outlet port is visible and none of that aluminum spindle. In your pic it seems the mounting tab is already past the hole?
And it might be the angle but you do have a hazard button in the short spacer section of the grab bar - like in Eric's picture? Good luck.

(BTW anyone - I need this panel as mine is a complete disaster).
