b35 engine


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I have an offer for a M30B35 engine out of an e32 complete with gearbox, for an amount that makes it hard to refuse. Since my engine needs a rebuild I am seriously considering a transplant. I know about the motor mount issues, but I have a few other questions:

I know Metric Mechanic sells a nut that goes over the camshaft for use with the L-jetronic distributor.
Does anybody know if it will also accomodate de D-jetronic distributor?
I am looking to transplant the D-jetronic onto this engine.
While I am aware that changing to motronic is perhaps a better bet, the D-jetronic is not only already adapted for running on LPG, I also want to retain the stock appearance of the engine. Is there anybody that can confirm whether this setup (d-jetronic on B35) will work or not, and why, if not?

And third, the gearbox does not have a mech. speedo drive. I have read and searched the issue, but nowhere could I find what needs to be done to install a mechanical speedo, all I found sofar is that it can be done, but not easy. Could somebody tell me whats involved? (Other than buying an earlier gearbox...)

All help as always greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
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Clarkston, MI
I do not think the Getrag 260 ever came with a mechanical speedo drive. If the gearbox in question is a Getrag 265, then you can add it by removing the blocker plate and adding the speedo drive gear, not that big a deal. The problem is if you have a G260.


Well-Known Member
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San Francisco, CA
Adding mechanical speedo-drive

If the gearbox in question is a Getrag 265, then you can add it by removing the blocker plate and adding the speedo drive gear, not that big a deal.

Do you know where I could find more info on this or the necessary parts? Turns out my tranny is from an 88 M3, so no mech speedo - really annoying.

Bill Riblett

Reaction score
M30B35 engine

I have an offer for a M30B35 engine out of an e32 complete with gearbox, for an amount that makes it hard to refuse. Since my engine needs a rebuild I am seriously considering a transplant. I know about the motor mount issues, but I have a few other questions:

I know Metric Mechanic sells a nut that goes over the camshaft for use with the L-jetronic distributor.
Does anybody know if it will also accomodate de D-jetronic distributor?
I am looking to transplant the D-jetronic onto this engine.
While I am aware that changing to motronic is perhaps a better bet, the D-jetronic is not only already adapted for running on LPG, I also want to retain the stock appearance of the engine. Is there anybody that can confirm whether this setup (d-jetronic on B35) will work or not, and why, if not?

And third, the gearbox does not have a mech. speedo drive. I have read and searched the issue, but nowhere could I find what needs to be done to install a mechanical speedo, all I found sofar is that it can be done, but not easy. Could somebody tell me whats involved? (Other than buying an earlier gearbox...)

All help as always greatly appreciated.

1. To use a distributor with this engine you will need the upper timing cover off an M30 engine that came with a distributor, like the original E9 engine, as well as the little distributor drive shaft (part #6 in the Realoem diagram sfdon posted). With these parts and the "cam nut", you should be able to install either a DJet or an LJet distributor.
2. I don't know much about DJet, but am skeptical about adapting a system for a 3.0 engine to a 3.5 as there seems to be little 'adjustability' in the DJet system.
3. There is no practical way to adapt a mechanical speedometer drive to a Getrag 260 transmission.
The only solution I know of is to replace your E9 speedometer with an electrical speedometer and install the necessary pickup for that, like a "chopper" wheel on the driveshaft. It may be cheaper and easier to sell your 260 and buy a 265.
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