Bay area coupe car clinic?


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NorCal, CA
I used to sort of know how to work on my car without breaking it, but without practice in recent years, I have to admit to myself that I really don't know how to do a tune-up or other basics on my car properly anymore. And my tools have somehow disappeared for the most part too.

I'm wondering if there is anyone in the Bay Area who might want to try to do a safety/tune afternoon for those interested. Perhaps someone with a normal two car garage and a proper set of tools to go over the basics of parts, tools and procedures for a tune-up, coolant flush, brake check etc.

I'd like to get back to paying for my mechanics expertise for issues that are beyond the scope of what I should be able to do myself. And granted, I could probably just read a Haynes manual and figure it out, but in my case that might tend to end up costing me lots more due to a missed step or failure to use the right doohicky/goo/pressure etc.

See me in PA on Sat. if you're interested or post here and maybe we can put something together.
I am sure I can talk Harold into doing a clinic at his shop in Mountain View
on a week-end.
It would take somebody to volunteer his coupe and cover time/materials.
I'd love to do it, but I am just swamped with work, buidling a house, etc..

(PJ.. looks like SUmmer 08 for the raising.. Going with a Japanese style timber frame..I'll invite everyone to the raising...).

I think Ariel's idea is great.

Well, let's see a show of hands and figure out if we have ~5 people at least.
Misterchinn, are you offering your car? If so what routine work is due soon?
Well, since I brought this up, I suppose I should pony up. My coupe is in need of a tune-up, hence the original post, and if you have a sympathetic pro who you trust and who would actually put up with curious coupe owners in his shop while he shows how a he does it, I'll offer my car as the object of the clinic if we can put it together.

Ariel, I will try to P.M. you to see what is possible and whether there are a couple of people interested in this.
Thanks for stepping up Erik. My car can be a back up. I just got it, driven it about 10 miles so far, and honestly, I don't know what it needs. I'm about as green as you can get. So I'll be bushy eyed and wide tailed at any sort of clinic! :lol:

By the way... can any SF people recommend a mechanic? Carlos Exclusive was recommended on BayArea02's site, and I live near there, any comments? (you can PM me, to not clog up this thread) thanks!
its a go

Sounds good, let's work on a time (a Saturday?) and place. If we go to Scott's we'll have room to stand around and food to keep us busy, the question is we need to have the car raised for any of the work. If we go to Harold's shop we can lift the car but it will be more crowded.
I think the driveway is better for a clinic, since it represents the real world for most DIY wrenchers.. my 9 cents...

Saturdays are usually good. This Sat is too soon, next sat is out (Got a house building meeting), but after that I am OK.

For the price of a plane ticket I'll come over and give a clinic :shock:
and for all you doubting Thomas's I would too :D
And if anybody has a photocopier I might just happen to leave my copy of the workshop manual lying about......

Oh well perchance to dream :roll:
Grey, cloudy Scotland...
Well, if we can put this one together, maybe we can set a longer term schedule for the next one so that you can make it Malc... there's got to be some sort of tax write-off for business travel for you in there somewhere.

I'm up for June 23, 30,- as far as I now know.

Scott, if you can shoot me an email, we can coordinate. Thanks for the offer of driveway hosting.

[email protected]
Let's bring Malc

I like the idea of bringing Malc. The ticket to SFO is about the same as four hours of work by a pro, and we already have two tuneups lined up, plus anybody that want's to deal with body work and rust...

What say you? Malc's clinic at Scott's sometime late June?
Orbitz quotes between $1400 and $2000...

I'll chip in $300 if we can get Malc to fit and weld my rocker panel patch...(its just the rear part on one side, and I have the parts...)

Can we take up a collection?

I have a spare room too...

Due to the lack of :lol: I guess we're not joking... :shock:
I'm cash poor at the moment... but I can pony up $150 if it makes a difference...

Anybody have frequent flyer miles they can donate? :wink:
I see $883 in early July with AA. SFO-Heathrow used to be a ~$600-700 route...But I am sure Malc can do the ticket hunt.
Who is in for the first transatlantic coupe event?
Your all nuts :lol:
Quiet because I am actually on a rig site in South Holland helping to drill a hole in the ground for oil and gas, Email and internet is patchy at best I'm afraid.

For those of you with Google Earth type in the following Longditude and Latitude

51deg 52min 56.569sec N
04deg 53min 14.782sec E

Staying In Geissenburg in a rather nice farmhouse just 10 minutes away!
Humm Haven't been in the SF area for at least 17 years I wonder if it's the same :wink:
I guess if you were all really serious I could book vacation time........
Dang dreaming again!