Bay area coupe car clinic?

California dremining

We are so serious I went last night to San Francisco to check out a Bistro Catalan for you (B44). Highly recommended.

We await your dates.

As for drilling holes in Holland,,, watch out, the place is below sea level and may flood.
Thought this tread could use a bump. Do we have a back-up plan if Malc can't come out (which would be fun just for the hell of it), but just in case do we have a plan B? No hurry, just have a lot of time on my hands.
We are waiting for Malc, seems like we have at least four projects lined up for him and Scott's facilities for work and living quarters. If somebody has Malc's wife phone number we could speed up the decision process by going directly to the top...
at last tally, it seemed like we were at least a few hundred $$$ short, maybe more than a few... any headway on this. As my mom always used to say... "no money, no talk." :lol:
Malc's number


I have Malc's number - but I'm not giving it out! Nope. No way. Call me selfish but it's not often that you get a Coupe guru within an hours drive, and he is usually available to help - unless there is a farmer in him! LOL

If there is a Malc tour of the US of A, I might even consider paying my own way and coming over to join in the fun - as long as the farmer is not going to get too jealous!
Misterchinn, we are actually running a surplus. We have two body projects (Scott + me) @300 each, plus two tuneup @150 each for a $800+ ticket.

Wait until we line up a couple of Scott's yuppy neighbours oil changes and we can bring Woody Allen to play the saxo while Malc works. Just waiting for the bride to say yes.
See I just knew you were all Mad :lol:

I can see the Aardman movie now

Malc and Dave's grand day out!
or should that be the wrong trousers?
Guys , fun thread would be nice to see Malc & Dave , but we do have a local who is as crazy(dedicated ) as Malc. See Vraned s website. And he is in San Jose

Have fun and hope to see some of you this sunday at the Car & Coffee at the Bittersweet Bistro in Aptos

Sounds good Arde, didn't know we had others anted up! Good deal. Poor guy will have a line of rusting out coupes down the block needing full restos, he may never get out of here!

Sounds like the buzz is growing, and we have at least 3 countries represented so far... Cupertino is becoming Coupe Mecca.

My coupe has lots of other "projects" they can demo too if they want... i.e. frozen fan clutch, dripping differential, and the grand daddy of them all, I'm upgrading to a 5 speed. Now that'd be a clinic! Can Malc bring a drive shaft cutter too? :wink:

Talk to you soon,
OK Malc.. so we can cover your ticket.. But ya gotta decide soon...

I'll be cleaning the BBQ and setting up the sun shades for you pasty northern types ;-)))

How about 4th of July weekend?

2 day party at my house..

wot hath god (Arde) wrought?!

A Surplus??

Kewl.. More beer!

OK Malc.. so we can cover your ticket.. But ya gotta decide soon...

I'll be cleaning the BBQ and setting up the sun shades for you pasty northern types ;-)))

How about 4th of July weekend?

2 day party at my house..

If this works, I guess we will have to organize a Sunday drive! I say, Highway 9 to Skyline, to 84 to PCH to Santa Cruz, to Brittania Arms in Aptos (So PJ can come).. Then home for beer and BBQ in my back yard.

Malc, I'll loan you my 88 635.. that is if you can drivew a car on thew wrong side o' the road..

wot hath god (Arde) wrought?!

even if the clinic doesn't happen lets do the drive on the sunday , seems set to be coupe-event 2. So Scott are you gonna get the rottisserie off Vraned

PJ Thanks!

I plan to buy it.

BTW, we are moving forward on the house. Should break ground next April.

I recall you were into garage work.. Tell me more..

OK Malc.. so we can cover your ticket.. But ya gotta decide soon...

Malc, I'll loan you my 88 635.. that is if you can drivew a car on thew wrong side o' the road..

wot hath god (Arde) wrought?!

July is out for me, simply because I have to plan months in advance, nature of the job et al..........

Wrong side of the road, no such thing it's just you have the steering wheel on the wrong side of the car!!!

One day I'll come over there and annoy you all but let me get the bucket finished, its been years and even Mrs Malc is beginning to wonder if I'll ever get it finished :roll: I suspects she thinks I have a fridge, TV and sofa in the shed.... :wink: but I don't Honest
Well, sounds like Malc is going to stay on his side of the pond. Too bad for us!

Plan B?

Should we go ahead and set the 7th of July as the day, and figure out from there?
Oh well, I can check if Harold can do July, or maybe David (Vraned) can pick it up. Given that Scott is getting Dave's rotisserie we could use his contraption to BBQ pretty large cuts of meat.
I didn't know what you meant when you said "rotisserie", but that's a Fred Flintstone sized Rotisserie! You ain't kidding when you said "pretty large cuts of meat."

Thanks for working on a plan Arde, either Harold or Dave would be fantastic! July is basically upon us.

I'm ok 7/7 or 7/14. After that I'm out of town until 8/11, 8/18 would work as well.

Thanks for trying to get this together, I really appreciate it!
so, do we have a final date?

I'm still up for allowing my coupe to be the subject if Scott is still williing to host.

Scott or PJ, email me and we can work out details if this can come together in the next couple of weeks.

[email protected]