Beautiful 72 on SD craigslist

Honestly, if this car is such a great buy, why hasn't it been scooped up yet?
I have seen this car in person last February when I passed by Carl's shop and it did look beautiful. The car is indeed in amazing condition. The paint looked too nice and shined too well te be original in my opinion.
I saw some where in this post that the car got dropped to $25k. It still looks like a great car. Is it still available? I don't see any ads in the San Diego craigslist for it anymore.
Chicane "$30,000 for 4 years @ William and Mary "

Chicane may be basing estimates for restoration on the same underestimate of the cost of a current four year education. I live about 40 miles from William and Mary, and you might pay $30,000 for one year of tuition (out of state) and a total of $80,000 for four years of in state. Someof you may recall what I paid to have my former coupe restored three years ago. Thirty grand is a good price for a nicely done car. I sold mine for a shade more than that.