Hey guys, thanks for the responses. Yeah, the cell phones are quite a problem. Back in the day people were worried radios would be big distractions. But typically once a station is set one doesn't mess with it much. But people and their phones are like a crack addict needing their fix every couple minutes.
Regarding the coyote or bobcat, we have a lot of wildlife were I live. I had an elk bolt out of the trees like a train and run right out in front of me, there was nothing I could have done had I been going a little faster. I have to always keep an eye out, especially the fawns. I grew up in a place called Sea Ranch for 8 years on the CA coast, pretty remote and I can't tell you how many deer killed people on HWY 1 over the years. Imagine a Moose or and Elk? Anyhow, always lessons to be learned, I make it a point not to pick up the phone or text if I don't have hands free capabilities. In the vintage cars it is almost a treat not to have to answer the phone or text and take a break from all that. I can't hear anybody anyways since with windows are usually down.
Nice to hear you both are trying to get the E3's back on the road. If the frames aren't damaged you should be fine. The only time I ever wrecked was in the 80's in a Golf '76 2002. Hit some freshly laid oil/gravel that they were "fixing" on a twisty road on the coast that didn't have any warning signs up, hit the side of the mountain, surfboards went flying on the hood, not a pretty sight. The frame ended up getting tweaked and as a kid I didn't have the money to replace the subframe and everything else...it never drove the same since so I ended up getting rid of it.
Oh, and I just saw a local guy that has a Harley with a plate that says, "H8DEER." I think he hit one or two over the years.